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Eastward New eastwardnew
Hey! I'm Eastward New 🔭 I’m currently working on backend projects looking for exciting job opportunity to learn more. 🛠️ My tech stack is Python, Django,

Forward company (FIJI) Nadi ,Fiji

Culture.Support CultureSupport
operate for GitHub Actions and Run Scripts

Culture.Support Sri Lanka

Devid xdfnet


avatar xkf4806
a java developer
wesily mahua

Yangtze University jingzhou

pihaoxuan pihaoxuan

Dongguan University of Technology Dongguan University of Technology

Michelle Liu Michellemingxuan

Duke-NUS Medical School Singapore

Hepta Lethe zhangyusen15
The time to be greedy is when others are afraid,and the time to be afraid is when others are greedy.
Jingcun Yan coderyjc

AnHui University ShanDong Provience, China

Percival Zheng Lafcadia
Self-Taught Programmer. President of the Team OblivionOcean. Original Account: @ChuishenX.

Team @OblivionOcean & Hangzhou Foreign Languages School Hangzhou, China

JackPeng agentptx
Do Better and Be Better!
xzw aJupyter
I'm a student who really enjoys coding and loves life.

Nankai University Tianjin