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pdf-qa not working: #947

miriam-z opened this issue Apr 28, 2024 · 0 comments

pdf-qa not working: #947

miriam-z opened this issue Apr 28, 2024 · 0 comments
cookbook Issues related to the chainlit-cookbook repository


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miriam-z commented Apr 28, 2024

Describe the bug

Upload a PDF, in this case Apple SEC 10K

Screenshot 2024-04-28 at 10 23 06

Reason: Bad Request
pinecone.core.client.exceptions.PineconeApiException: (400)
Reason: Bad Request
HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Date': 'Sun, 28 Apr 2024 02:20:51 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': '101', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'x-pinecone-request-latency-ms': '1560', 'x-pinecone-request-id': '7850253967941358202', 'x-envoy-upstream-service-time': '384', 'server': 'envoy'})
HTTP response body: {"code":3,"message":"Vector dimension 1536 does not match the dimension of the index 8","details":[]}

2024-04-28 10:20:50 - HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
2024-04-28 10:20:50 - Failed to send steps: [{'message': 'Unknown type "FeedbackPayloadInput". Did you mean "ThreadPayloadInput", "GenerationPayloadInput", or "ScorePayloadInput"?', 'locations': [{'line': 14, 'column': 22}]}, {'message': 'Unknown argument "feedback" on field "Mutation.ingestStep".', 'locations': [{'line': 31, 'column': 9}]}]

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

import os
from typing import List
from langchain.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader, TextLoader
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.vectorstores.pinecone import Pinecone
from langchain.chains import ConversationalRetrievalChain
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.memory import ChatMessageHistory, ConversationBufferMemory
from langchain.docstore.document import Document

import pinecone

import chainlit as cl
from chainlit.types import AskFileResponse

pinecone_client = pinecone.Pinecone(

index_name = "quickstart"
text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=100)
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings()

namespaces = set()

welcome_message = """Welcome to the Chainlit PDF QA demo! To get started:
1. Upload a PDF or text file
2. Ask a question about the file

def process_file(file: AskFileResponse):
    if file.type == "text/plain":
        Loader = TextLoader
    elif file.type == "application/pdf":
        Loader = PyPDFLoader

        loader = Loader(file.path)
        documents = loader.load()
        docs = text_splitter.split_documents(documents)
        for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
            doc.metadata["source"] = f"source_{i}"
        return docs

def get_docsearch(file: AskFileResponse):
    docs = process_file(file)

    # Save data in the user session
    cl.user_session.set("docs", docs)

    # Create a unique namespace for the file
    namespace =

    if namespace in namespaces:
        docsearch = Pinecone.from_existing_index(
            index_name=index_name, embedding=embeddings, namespace=namespace
        docsearch = Pinecone.from_documents(
            docs, embeddings, index_name=index_name, namespace=namespace

    return docsearch

async def start():
    await cl.Avatar(
    files = None
    while files is None:
        files = await cl.AskFileMessage(
            accept=["text/plain", "application/pdf"],

    file = files[0]

    msg = cl.Message(content=f"Processing `{}`...", disable_feedback=True)
    await msg.send()

    # No async implementation in the Pinecone client, fallback to sync
    docsearch = await cl.make_async(get_docsearch)(file)

    message_history = ChatMessageHistory()

    memory = ConversationBufferMemory(

    chain = ConversationalRetrievalChain.from_llm(
        ChatOpenAI(model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0, streaming=True),

    # Let the user know that the system is ready
    msg.content = f"`{}` processed. You can now ask questions!"
    await msg.update()

    cl.user_session.set("chain", chain)

async def main(message: cl.Message):
    chain = cl.user_session.get("chain")  # type: ConversationalRetrievalChain
    cb = cl.AsyncLangchainCallbackHandler()
    res = await chain.acall(message.content, callbacks=[cb])
    answer = res["answer"]
    source_documents = res["source_documents"]  # type: List[Document]

    text_elements = []  # type: List[cl.Text]

    if source_documents:
        for source_idx, source_doc in enumerate(source_documents):
            source_name = f"source_{source_idx}"
            # Create the text element referenced in the message
                cl.Text(content=source_doc.page_content, name=source_name)
        source_names = [ for text_el in text_elements]

        if source_names:
            answer += f"\nSources: {', '.join(source_names)}"
            answer += "\nNo sources found"

    await cl.Message(content=answer, elements=text_elements).send()

Expected behavior
results with citation

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. iOS]
  • Browser: chrome
  • Version : 123.0.6312.122
  • Chainlit: 1.0.401

python --version
Python 3.10.7

Additional context

Full log:

2024-04-28 10:30:52 - Your app is available at http://localhost:8000
2024-04-28 10:31:03 - 2 changes detected
2024-04-28 10:31:04 - HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
2024-04-28 10:31:05 - HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
2024-04-28 10:31:06 - HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 204 No Content"
2024-04-28 10:31:07 - HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
2024-04-28 10:31:07 - Failed to send steps: [{'message': 'Unknown type "FeedbackPayloadInput". Did you mean "ThreadPayloadInput", "GenerationPayloadInput", or "ScorePayloadInput"?', 'locations': [{'line': 14, 'column': 22}]}, {'message': 'Unknown argument "feedback" on field "Mutation.ingestStep".', 'locations': [{'line': 31, 'column': 9}]}]
2024-04-28 10:31:07 - Error while flushing create_element: [{'message': 'Unknown type "FeedbackPayloadInput". Did you mean "ThreadPayloadInput", "GenerationPayloadInput", or "ScorePayloadInput"?', 'locations': [{'line': 14, 'column': 22}]}, {'message': 'Unknown argument "feedback" on field "Mutation.ingestStep".', 'locations': [{'line': 31, 'column': 9}]}]
2024-04-28 10:31:07 - HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
2024-04-28 10:31:07 - Failed to send steps: [{'message': 'Unknown type "FeedbackPayloadInput". Did you mean "ThreadPayloadInput", "GenerationPayloadInput", or "ScorePayloadInput"?', 'locations': [{'line': 14, 'column': 22}]}, {'message': 'Unknown argument "feedback" on field "Mutation.ingestStep".', 'locations': [{'line': 31, 'column': 9}]}]
2024-04-28 10:31:07 - Error while flushing create_step: [{'message': 'Unknown type "FeedbackPayloadInput". Did you mean "ThreadPayloadInput", "GenerationPayloadInput", or "ScorePayloadInput"?', 'locations': [{'line': 14, 'column': 22}]}, {'message': 'Unknown argument "feedback" on field "Mutation.ingestStep".', 'locations': [{'line': 31, 'column': 9}]}]
2024-04-28 10:31:08 - HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
2024-04-28 10:31:08 - Failed to send steps: [{'message': 'Unknown type "FeedbackPayloadInput". Did you mean "ThreadPayloadInput", "GenerationPayloadInput", or "ScorePayloadInput"?', 'locations': [{'line': 14, 'column': 22}]}, {'message': 'Unknown argument "feedback" on field "Mutation.ingestStep".', 'locations': [{'line': 31, 'column': 9}]}]
2024-04-28 10:31:10 - Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-181' coro=<ChainlitDataLayer.create_step() done, defined at /Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/chainlit/data/> exception=Exception([{'message': 'Unknown type "FeedbackPayloadInput". Did you mean "ThreadPayloadInput", "GenerationPayloadInput", or "ScorePayloadInput"?', 'locations': [{'line': 14, 'column': 22}]}, {'message': 'Unknown argument "feedback" on field "Mutation.ingestStep".', 'locations': [{'line': 31, 'column': 9}]}])>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/mincheung/.asdf/installs/python/3.10.7/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 232, in __step
result = coro.send(None)
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/chainlit/data/", line 46, in wrapper
return await method(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/chainlit/data/", line 326, in create_step
await self.client.api.send_steps([step])
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/literalai/", line 1147, in send_steps
return await self.make_api_call("send steps", query, variables)
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/literalai/", line 251, in make_api_call
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/literalai/", line 235, in raise_error
raise Exception(error)
Exception: [{'message': 'Unknown type "FeedbackPayloadInput". Did you mean "ThreadPayloadInput", "GenerationPayloadInput", or "ScorePayloadInput"?', 'locations': [{'line': 14, 'column': 22}]}, {'message': 'Unknown argument "feedback" on field "Mutation.ingestStep".', 'locations': [{'line': 31, 'column': 9}]}]
2024-04-28 10:31:22 - HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
2024-04-28 10:31:27 - (400)
Reason: Bad Request
HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Date': 'Sun, 28 Apr 2024 02:31:29 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': '101', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'x-pinecone-request-latency-ms': '1498', 'x-pinecone-request-id': '6494146641853823921', 'x-envoy-upstream-service-time': '339', 'server': 'envoy'})
HTTP response body: {"code":3,"message":"Vector dimension 1536 does not match the dimension of the index 8","details":[]}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/chainlit/", line 39, in wrapper
return await user_function(**params_values)
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/pdf-qa/", line 96, in start
docsearch = await cl.make_async(get_docsearch)(file)
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/asyncer/", line 358, in wrapper
return await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anyio/", line 33, in run_sync
return await get_asynclib().run_sync_in_worker_thread(
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anyio/_backends/", line 877, in run_sync_in_worker_thread
return await future
File "/Users/mincheung/.asdf/installs/python/3.10.7/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 285, in await
yield self # This tells Task to wait for completion.
File "/Users/mincheung/.asdf/installs/python/3.10.7/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 304, in __wakeup
File "/Users/mincheung/.asdf/installs/python/3.10.7/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 201, in result
raise self._exception.with_traceback(self._exception_tb)
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anyio/_backends/", line 807, in run
result =, *args)
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/pdf-qa/", line 67, in get_docsearch
docsearch = Pinecone.from_documents(
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/langchain_core/", line 508, in from_documents
return cls.from_texts(texts, embedding, metadatas=metadatas, **kwargs)
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/langchain_community/vectorstores/", line 434, in from_texts
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/langchain_community/vectorstores/", line 157, in add_texts
[res.get() for res in async_res]
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/langchain_community/vectorstores/", line 157, in
[res.get() for res in async_res]
File "/Users/mincheung/.asdf/installs/python/3.10.7/lib/python3.10/multiprocessing/", line 774, in get
raise self._value
File "/Users/mincheung/.asdf/installs/python/3.10.7/lib/python3.10/multiprocessing/", line 125, in worker
result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pinecone/core/client/", line 203, in __call_api
raise e
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pinecone/core/client/", line 196, in __call_api
response_data = self.request(
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pinecone/core/client/", line 455, in request
return self.rest_client.POST(url,
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pinecone/core/client/", line 302, in POST
return self.request("POST", url,
File "/Users/mincheung/Documents/chainlit-cookbook/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pinecone/core/client/", line 261, in request
raise PineconeApiException(http_resp=r)
pinecone.core.client.exceptions.PineconeApiException: (400)
Reason: Bad Request
HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Date': 'Sun, 28 Apr 2024 02:31:29 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': '101', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'x-pinecone-request-latency-ms': '1498', 'x-pinecone-request-id': '6494146641853823921', 'x-envoy-upstream-service-time': '339', 'server': 'envoy'})
HTTP response body: {"code":3,"message":"Vector dimension 1536 does not match the dimension of the index 8","details":[]}

2024-04-28 10:31:28 - HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
2024-04-28 10:31:28 - Failed to send steps: [{'message': 'Unknown type "FeedbackPayloadInput". Did you mean "ThreadPayloadInput", "GenerationPayloadInput", or "ScorePayloadInput"?', 'locations': [{'line': 14, 'column': 22}]}, {'message': 'Unknown argument "feedback" on field "Mutation.ingestStep".', 'locations': [{'line': 31, 'column': 9}]}]
Add any other context about the problem here.



pip install -U pinecone-client langchain

type object 'Pinecone' has no attribute 'from_documents'

@tpatel tpatel added cookbook Issues related to the chainlit-cookbook repository and removed needs-triage labels Apr 29, 2024
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