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Releases: SteveMacenski/slam_toolbox


31 Aug 03:56
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Update package.xml

First stable release

13 Jul 00:27
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Ordinary point-and-shoot 2D SLAM mobile robotics folks expect (start, map, save pgm file)
life-long mapping (start, serialize, wait any time, restart anywhere, continue refining)
an optimization-based localization mode (start, serialize, restart anywhere in Localization mode, optimization based localizer)
synchronous and asynchronous modes
kinematic map merging (with an elastic graph manipulation merging technique in the works)
plugin-based optimization solvers with a new optimized Google Ceres based plugin
RVIZ plugin for interating with the tools
graph manipulation tools in RVIZ to manipulate nodes and connections during mapping
Map serialization and lossless data storage