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PlamHill.BlazorChat Client Application


The Client folder contains the Blazor WebAssembly client application for the PlamHill.BlazorChat project. This application is responsible for the user interface and client-side logic of the chat application.

Table of Contents

  1. Project Structure
  2. Key Components
  3. Key Pages
  4. Key Services

Project Structure

Here's an overview of the main files and folders in the Client folder:

  • Program.cs: The entry point of the Blazor application.
  • wwwroot: Contains static files for the Blazor application.
  • Pages: Contains the Blazor pages of the application.
  • Components: Contains the Blazor components used in the application.
  • Models: Contains the View Models used by the Components and Pages.
  • Services: Contains the Services used to operate the UI.

Key Components

Here are some of the key components in the Components folder:

  • ChatInput.razor: This component handles the input area for the chat. It includes a text area for the user to type their message and a send button to send the message.
  • AttachmentManager.razor: This component is responsible for uploading attachments. It includes the file input, and list of uploaded files.
  • ModelMarkdown.razor: This component is used to display the response from the inference in markdown format. It takes a ModelResponse object as a parameter and listens for changes in the response. When the response changes, it updates the markdown content to be rendered.
  • Settings.razor: This component handles user configurable settings (Theme, Inference, System Message).

Key Pages

Here's a key page in the Pages folder:

  • Index.razor: This is the main chat component of the application. It uses the ChatService.cs to implement its functionality.
  • MainLayout.razor: This is the main layout of the application. It includes a header with the application title and a body where the current page is rendered. The layout is defined using the FluentContainer and FluentRow components from the Fluent UI library, providing a consistent look and feel across the application.

Key Services

  • ChatService.cs: The main service provided by Dependency Injection for operating the UI.
  • WebSocketChatService.cs: The service used by the ChatService to interact with the server via WebSockets.