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Tony Narlock tony
lighthouse keeper

@Multiverse-io USA

Tim Hreha timhreha
I write VBA macros in Excel, mostly to streamline tasks at work.

Baltimore, MD

Bounab Abdelmounaim bnb999
Computer Systems Engineer graduated from Higher School of Computer Science | M2 Artificial Intelligence @ Paris Vincennes University | AI/DATA enthusiast

Paris Vincennes University Paris

Kiran R kiranjolisa
Software Engineer with an edge over Full Stack Web Development.

@bankopen | Software Engineer at Open Bengaluru, India

small big

mallog Nanjing

Gabriel Araújo Gonçalves gabriel-arauj
Computer Science at UFPI. Software Developer.

@muvext José de Freitas, PI, Brazil

Ma Ping maping
20+ years working experiences as architect and developer, profound knowledge in OSS, high skills on Container, Middleware, Microservice, Serverless and DevOps.

AWS Beijing

I'm working on deep learning.
Youssef Elkhayat ylkhayat
Coping with brand new technologies to maintain a representable software engineer portfolio and thriving to effectively contribute in open source projects.

@urbyo München, Germany

John Bean johnbean393
Mobile & Desktop app development.
Judah Judah04
Being a CS student is enjoyable, however being meticulous, dedicated and disciplined is paramount. I'm very organized, obsessed with staying organized.
Amogha B V 12amogha

Bengaluru, India

longqian HelTi

ShangHai ,China

Mikhael Zizzilius

Fitness Club MD-Fit Russia Russia, Moscow, Prospect Vernadskogo

Ilyes Bouchada ilyboc

@Evolany Tokyo, Japan

Keith keithofaptos
ArmyOfBots . Visioneer, Builder, Pilot, Crypto, Blockchain, Father, Brother, now student.

Santa Cruz County, California USA

Omkar Muglikar omkar1729
Pursuing Master's in Computer Science at Arizona State University. Machine Learning enthusiast.


wk eecn

Xidian University Shaanxi Xi’an