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Alex Uzun uzunalex

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Andrei Bondarev andreibondarev

Source Labs LLC East Coast, USA

Wilson Silva wilsonsilva
Software architect lost in love with software engineering as a mode of intellectual exercise and expression. Progressively right > consistently wrong.

@poetic-justice Porto, Portugal

Alex Jolovic anjolovic
Ruby on Rails programmer and a passionate entrepreneur.

San Francisco. Palm Springs. Worldwide.

Diego Linhares diegolinhares
Software Engineer


Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Paweł Pacana mostlyobvious
Holistic Developer at @arkency. Into Domain-Driven Design, Feature Toggles and frontend apps with Elm. I dig legacy Rails codebases and release @RailsEventStore

@arkency Wrocław, PL

Andrew Kalek anlek
Software craftsman specializing in Ruby & JS. Biohacker focusing on nutrition & wellness. FPS gamer. Lifelong learner in all aspects of life. #SelfTaught

Anlek Consulting Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada

Dmytro Piliugin suaron

FitGrid Ukraine, Kharkiv

Josh Nichols technicalpickles
Staff Engineer for @Gusto, Principal Whimsy Engineer for myself. Hobby hobbyist, husband, father, he/him

@Gusto Atlanta, GA

Dainel Vera acidtib
i like cats, programming, bitcoin, and you.

Denver, CO

Rinas Muhammed onerinas
Generalist. Rails programmer.
