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Parth Parmar parth25
Front-End Developer

DeftBOX Solutions Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad

PATOOWORLD patooworld
Transform technology into solutions that shape our future, by provide highly efficient and innovative tech solutions, focusing on solving the AI challenges.


Devin Schumacher devinschumacher
widely recognized as the world's best SEO & grumpy cat impersonator.

@serp-ai USA

Arinjay CodClever
A person having enough time to write a Bio. Technically the greatest joke in the entire planet.

Totally the CEO of X THE BASEMENT

Enzo Victor EnzoCasamasso
Full Stack Developer

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

jack ning pengjinning

bytedesk BeiJing

MarkTangCd MarkTangCd
A Full-Stack engineer. I'm learning techniques about web3.


computer engineering student @ UFAL

Universidade Federal de Alagoas Maceió, AL

👋 Hello! I'm passionate about software development, specializing in web applications using a wide range of technologies 👨‍💻. With a background of growing up
motohiro nakamura nakam0000
AUX合同会社 代表
Safoan Bazine safoan
Software Developer | Backend & Database specialist | Interested in Cloud Computing & AI


Nicolò Santilio fenix-hub
🇮🇹 Solution Architect | Automation Engineer | Cyber Physical Systems student | Interested in robotics, cyberpunk, music | Godot and Arduino enthusiast

Bari - Italy

Arjun Sunil Kumar arjunsk
"It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela

@matrixorigin Sunnyvale, CA

Chenney superchenney
😐 IOT & FE


Arslan Ramay arslanramay
Full Stack PHP Laravel Developer

@likedigitalmedia Dubai, UAE

Wesley Silva wesley-silv
Computer scientist and Front-end developer

Gerenciamento e Controle de Trânsito Araxá-MG / Brasil

KwangHyeon Jeong mmmmicha
I am trying to become a chameleon-like software engineer

Munto Seoul

Luciano Perez LucianoOPM
Comencé en el desarrollo en backend para crecer como persona. A lo largo de mi aprendizaje fui descubriendo que verdaderamente me apasiona esta carrera
Bruno Silva qBrunoSilva

@wiseinovacao Tangará da Serra - MT

Cícero Lino CiceroLino
Geek, THE BEST Software Engineer (trying to be), Computer Science Student, Documentation consumer & Coffee drinker

Maceió, AL - Brazil

Uttam Kumar Roy Coderuttam9
Freelancer at Web Design & Development

LFWF academy Dinajpur

暮阔 MuRKuo
A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep.


王下邀月熊 wx-chevalier
某熊的知识库:对有价值的内容选择性沉淀,让读者在一站内更好地阅读 💫 Just Coder, Travel in the Galaxy 💫博客/公众号:某熊的技术之路

UnionTech Shanghai

Khem Saud KhemSaud
Learning By Doing.

Kathmandu , Nepal

Alessandro Martins sandrormm
Analista de InfraEstrutura Pleno