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Releases: recharts/recharts


09 Feb 01:01
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What's Changed

Bug fixes and a few small new features.

Releasing 2.12.0 to create a "clean slate" as contributors are discussing next moves for recharts.

We will try to focus on upgrades, architectural changes, and long-pending breaking changes so we can release a recharts v3. This will not be a large major version, or one hard to upgrade to, but rather a major version bump to prevent us from breaking people with library upgrades, large refactors, etc. Feature parity should hold. Thanks!


  • Bar: Accept a callback function for minPointSize so it can be determined by data by @ckifer in #4099 closes #2819
  • Accessibility: Enable screen reader support with accessibilityLayer and default tooltip by @julianna-langston in #4077



  • Cleanup, tests, and refactoring work. Thanks @PavelVanecek
  • Upgrade react smooth, remove translateStyle, remove prop-types as a peerDep
  • Upgrade dev dependencies
    • Upgrade TypeScript to 4.9.5 (no definition changes from upgrade)


  • New storybook stories and doc updates

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.11...v2.12.0


27 Jan 11:41
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What's Changed

A special release: Containing a new chart type - SunburstChart by @csdiehl. Some behaviour might not yet align with the rest of the recharts components and API, we will improve it as (and if) issues come up. Thank you!

Secondly, I want to call out the work that @PavelVanecek is doing. We are slowly moving forward to improve our state management, using react context, and moving away from cloning components. While there still is a long way to go, I can not stress enough how important this refactoring is, both to the maintainability and extensibility of recharts. Great work!

Finally, we are continuously extending the Tooltip and enabling to control the Tooltip from the outside. With the work of @julianna-langston, we can now set the index for which to show a Tooltip. Further, we can now show the Tooltip for hidden elements.

POTENTIALLY BREAKING CHANGE: this release adds the use of the React context API which was not released until React 16.8. This means that 2.11 effectively drops support for React <16.8 unintentionally. Please report any breaking changes by making an issue.



  • ErrorBar: will now throw an invariant if X direction is used without type number on axis by @AnujSharma141 in #4042
  • Radar: allow events to be passed successfully to the Radar dot by @AnujSharma141 in #4056
  • TypeScript / Tooltip: Payload type now correctly includes className by @Nikhilh26 in #4069
  • Accessibility: fix bug causing accessibilityLayer to break keyboard nav by @dahlie in #4079


  • Lots of cleanup and refactoring work. We've introduced the use of context throughout Recharts refactoring and so far so good!


  • New storybook stories and additional examples

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.10...v2.11


09 Jan 18:56
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What's Changed

Fix some older bugs annoying bugs, TS typings, update to the storybook theme, and more



New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.10.3...v2.10.4


01 Dec 01:40
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.10.2...v2.10.3


29 Nov 04:45
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What's Changed

Patch some bugs from 2.9 / 2.10


  • Tooltip: Fix tooltip rendering crash when activeItem is undefined by @tran-simon in #3982
  • Cursor: should no longer show gray background on hover where there was none previously @HHongSeungWoo in #3992
  • Tooltip: show tooltip when data prop is on individual cartesian component by @HHongSeungWoo in #3988
  • LabelList - TypeScript: LabelList offset prop issue by @ckifer in #3999


Refactor / Cleanup

  • Removing some eslint errors for "no array index key" by @imagineLife

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.10.1...v2.10.2

Patch: Do not include types from test folder

19 Nov 20:58
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19 Nov 14:31
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What's Changed


Both @HHongSeungWoo and @bernardobelchior landed improvements to performance!

We have made progress on our preparation of the 3.0 version by migrating from jest to vite. For details and motivation, please read the issue linked to the PR. Special thanks to @branberry for pushing on vitest! Thank you.





New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.9.0...v2.10


06 Nov 22:21
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Brush: Fix an issue where after 2.9 Brush does not correctly slice data when using Line components - fixes #3929 - thank you @HHongSeungWoo


01 Nov 06:17
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Fix another TS issue from 2.9.


  • Line/ActiveDot: Fix breaking type change for the onClick function of activeDot on Line - this resolves #3922 - thank you @andrewangelle for the quick turnaround


30 Oct 06:22
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Bug fixes following 2.9.0


  • TypeScript: fix breaking change in ActiveShape types - fixes #3911 - thanks @andrewangelle
  • CartesianGrid: fix breaking change where you could no longer render CartesianGrid without a y-axis - fixes #3907 - thanks @akamfoad
  • Line: fix infinite loop when strokeDasharray is '0' on Line - fixes #3899 (and maybe others)

Full Changelog: v2.9.0...v2.9.1