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[SOLVED]My chatbot always responds the same #12657

Answered by dosubot bot
insoen asked this question in Q&A
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¡Hola de nuevo, @insoen! Qué alegría verte por aquí una vez más, llevando la ingeniería de chatbots a nuevos horizontes. Espero que todo lo demás vaya tan interesante como tu proyecto. 😊🔧🚀

Based on the information you've provided, there are a few potential areas that could be causing the issue you're experiencing.

Firstly, I noticed that you're using different chat modes in your local and server setups. In your local setup, you're using chat_mode='react', while in your server setup, you're using chat_mode='openai'. The chat mode can significantly influence the behavior of the chat engine. The 'react' mode is designed to interact with the chat engine in a reactive manner, focusing on resp…

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Answer selected by insoen
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