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Hello, it is widget calendar with notes and worktime controller.

!!! My PROBLEM it have QTranslator and spacial file QtLanguage_ru.qm than contains all translation. When you click on a button at the lower left-hand window corner, the languages must change, by call method repaint(), but it does not work. Do not foget to transferal file *.qm to folder with *.exe. !!!

Maybe it is not very usefull, but i can't delete it.

it is containe custom:

  1. QLable - to set your own pixmap easyly;
  2. QListView - to do something like basic windows folder;
  3. QTranslator - to change language.

it is containe #include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrent>, to do thread much more easy than use ordinary QThread (you can have a lot of notes, that's why you need thread).


  1. All days with note (or worktime) painted in special QPixmap;
  2. Selected day also painted in special QPixmap;
  3. Today have red QFont;
  4. WeekDays have green QFont;
  5. Spacial QPixmap for days from another mounth;
  6. Use keyboard to guide;
  7. Use mouse to guide;
  8. Create note;
  9. Monitor your worktime.

Keyboard operations:

  1. Key_Up - take away 7 days;

  2. Key_Down - add 7 days;

  3. Key_Left - take away 1 days;

  4. Key_Right - add 1 days;

  5. Key_Delete - delete all notes for current days;

  6. CTRL + Key_Up - take away 1 mounth;

  7. CTRL + Key_Down - add 1 mounth;

  8. CTRL + Key_Left - take away 1 mounth;

  9. CTRL + Key_Right - add 1 mounth;

  10. CTRL + Key_T - jump on current day;

  11. CTRL + Key_N - create new note for this day;

  12. CTRL + Key_S - save note (or workday);

  13. Shift + Key_Up - take away 1 year;

  14. Shift + Key_Down - add 1 year;

  15. Shift + Key_Left - take away 1 year;

  16. Shift + Key_Right - add 1 year;

  17. Alt + Key_Up - take away 5 year;

  18. Alt + Key_Down - add 5 year;

  19. Alt + Key_Left - take away 5 year;

  20. Alt + Key_Right - add 5 year;

  21. CTRL + Alt + Key_Up - take away 10 year;

  22. CTRL + Alt + Key_Down - add 10 year;

  23. CTRL + Alt + Key_Left - take away 10 year;

  24. CTRL + Alt + Key_Right - add 10 year;

  25. Shift + Alt + Key_Up - take away 100 year;

  26. Shift + Alt + Key_Down - add 100 year;

  27. Shift + Alt + Key_Left - take away 100 year;

  28. Shift + Alt + Key_Right - add 100 year;

  29. CTRL + Key_C - copy selected note (notes);

  30. CTRL + Key_V - insert note (notes);

  31. CTRL + Key_W - analize week;

  32. CTRL + Key_M - analize mounth;

  33. CTRL + Key_Y - analize year;

  34. CTRL + Key_1 - choose note;

  35. CTRL + Key_1 - choose worktime;

  36. CTRL + Alt + Key_F4 - close programm;