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Baggage Handling System Dashboard - Backend

================================= This project is built for Department of Operations Research, Technische Universität München as an Inter-Disciplinary Project. The project is back-end part of a two part application(front-end and back-end) implemented using Play 2.1.5 with Spring Data MongoDB. front-end is implemented using AngularJS and is present as a seperate repository

Baggage Handling System Dashboard

The application consists of two pages: Home and Carousel

  • Home page displays details of all current carousels present in the DB
  • Carousel page displays flight details, baggage details and graphs belonging to a carousel as selected by you in the dropdown menu

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. Steps:

> Clone this project into your local machine using git `git clone`
> cd to project directory where `activator.bat` is present.
> run commands `activator clean` and `activator run`
> the application will now run on port 9000



What things you need to install the software and how to install them

Install Play

> Play 2.1.5 ( we will use activator version of the play for this) 

Install Git

> Any version of Git

Setting up your preffered IDE for play

> for further developmnet configure any IDE of your choice wiht Scala/Java plugins 

Directory structure

Click here for complete anatomy of Play application

app                      → Application sources
 └ assets                → Compiled asset sources
    └ stylesheets        → Typically LESS CSS sources
    └ javascripts        → Typically CoffeeScript sources
 └ configs/              → Your custom configuration exists here
    └ AppConfig           → your applications global setting: Injecting MongoTemplates, Encapsulation your preflight requests etc.
 └ controllers           → Application controllers
 └ daos                  → All data access sevices objects interfaces are here
 └ services              → All services that act on daos are deffined here
 └ models                → Application business layer
 └ views                 → Templates: We'll not be using these as this is just a back-end of the application
build.sbt                → Application build script
conf                     → Configurations files and other non-compiled resources (on classpath)
 └ application.conf      → Main configuration file
 └ routes                → Routes definition
dist                     → Arbitrary files to be included in your projects distribution
public                   → Public assets
 └ stylesheets           → CSS files
 └ javascripts           → Javascript files
 └ images                → Image files
project                  → sbt configuration files
 └      → Marker for sbt project
 └ plugins.sbt           → sbt plugins including the declaration for Play itself
lib                      → Unmanaged libraries dependencies
logs                     → Logs folder
 └ application.log       → Default log file
target                   → Generated stuff
 └ resolution-cache      → Info about dependencies
 └ scala-2.11
    └ api                → Generated API docs
    └ classes            → Compiled class files
    └ routes             → Sources generated from routes
    └ twirl              → Sources generated from templates
 └ universal             → Application packaging
 └ web                   → Compiled web assets
test                     → source folder for unit or functional tests

Adding configuration strings that can be access by play application

You can add any configuration constant that you will need to use in the application with in conf/application.conf as key/value pairs ex. play.application.status.ok=90

With in you service implementation add these import statements

import play.Configuration;
import play.Play;

Create configuration object to access configuration strings like

Configuration conf = Play.application().configuration();     

Now you can get your configuration value using

conf.getInt("<Your.string.key") --> for retreiving the value as Integer
conf.getString("<Your.string.key") --> for retreiving the value as String