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Bellis is a Work Profile manager app, based upon the Android BasicManagedProfile Sample. It leverages the Managed Profile APIs that are part of Android MDM to offer users an easy way to create and manage work profiles for personal usage.

Features & Stack

While initially based upon the enterprise sample app, Bellis has been wholly rewritten and adapted to seamlessly integrate within CalyxOS, offering a great experience to the users. Among the various features, the most notable ones are:

  • Simple and easy UI/UX (only two fragments for all tasks, i.e., Setup and Management)
  • SDK versions based on the AOSP branching strategy.
  • Kotlin and Material3.
  • Compatible with both AOSP and Gradle build systems.
  • Single Activity Architecture.
  • Integration with the SetupWizard.
  • Enables connecting work and personal apps (requires INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES permission to be used by apps).
  • Handles tasks to be run on app upgrades.



As mentioned before, Bellis is compatible with both AOSP and Gradle build systems and seamlessly integrates with CalyxOS.

To build in AOSP, add the following lines to an included Makefile:

# Apps
    Bellis \

To build in Android Studio, clone this repo to get started. Ensure that the testing device targets a supported API level. The debug build type is additionally signed with AOSP signing keys (test keys) to allow installation over the existing app in the system.

Various patches might be required across the OS to support all the features Bellis offers, depending upon the use case. Please check our Gerrit instance for a complete list of patches.

Copyright and License

Bellis is licensed and distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See files for individual copyright holder's information.

Reference Links

These links could help in learning more about various topics mentioned or used in Bellis's development.