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To use Shipwreck, simply import the Shipwreck class and call its handle_error method with the exception that was raised:

from shipwreck import Shipwreck

    # Some code that might raise an exception   
except Exception as e:
    sw = Shipwreck()

The handle_error method will display a popup window with information about the error, including the error message, traceback, and any suggested fixes.

Suggested Fixes

Shipwreck can automatically detect common types of errors and suggest fixes for them. For example:

  • If an AttributeError is raised because a method or attribute is missing, Shipwreck will suggest checking the spelling of the method or attribute name.
  • If an ImportError is raised because a module is missing, Shipwreck will suggest checking that the module is installed and accessible.
  • If a FileNotFoundError is raised because a file is missing, Shipwreck will suggest checking that the file path is correct.
  • If an IndentationError is raised because of incorrect indentation, Shipwreck will suggest checking the indentation of the code.

Shipwreck can detect many other types of errors and provide suggested fixes for them. If you encounter an error that Shipwreck doesn't recognize, you can add a new error pattern and suggested fix by editing the Shipwreck class.