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This library provides packages on DoubleML / Causal Machine Learning and Neural Networks in Python for Simulation and Case Studies.

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DMLSim - Library with packages on DoubleML and Neural Networks in Python

This library includes three packages:

  • dml_sim
  • dml_nn
  • dml_emb

The Python package dml_sim from the library DMLSim provides a simulation study framework using DoubleMLs Implementation of the double / debiased machine learning framework of Chernozhukov et al. (2018).

The package dml_nn includes an API to use PyTorch Neural Networks together with the skorch library inside the DoubleML. There are also several tools for creating Feed Forwards Neural Networks for use in PLR or IRM models.

The modules from the dml_emb package including several methods and tools to use embeddings from transformer models as covariates in the DoubleML framework. This package contains torch based architectures like a multimodal ensemble of transformer models, solutions to create embeddings like the cross-fitting method and modified APIs to use these models in a high-level way with skorch.

About simulation studies with dml_sim

Simulation studies with Double / debiased machine learning for

  • Partially linear regression models (PLR)
  • Interactive regression models (IRM)

Instances of the main class 'simulation_study' can be used with all learners from sklearn. The learners need a fit() and a predict() method. The module 'dml_nn' can be used to create a dictionary with the corresponding models. You are able to pass layer- and hyper-parameters when initializing the class 'network_builder'.

The DGP (data generating process) should take at least 'n_obs', 'dim_x' as arguments. 'alpha' / 'theta' is necessary for all DGPs with non heterogenous treatment effect. The callable should return numpy arrays:

  • X, dim(X) = (n_obs, dim_x)
  • y, dim(y) = (n_obs,)
  • d, dim(d) = (n_obs,)
  • and theta, dim(theta) = (n_obs,) in order to calculate the average treatment effect if the treatment effect is heterogenous.

In some cases, the DGP (i.e. doubleml.datasets.make_irm_data) generates a heterogenous treatment effect from an argument with fixed value for theta. In these cases, initialize your instance with specific value for alpha.

The currently supported DGPs:

  • all DGPs from doubleml.datasets
  • all DGPs from dml_sim.datasets
  • DGPs from the opossum package

Example Simulation

Example Code for DMLSim.dml_sim (IRM):

# Make imports
from sklearn.base import clone
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor, RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LassoCV, LogisticRegressionCV

from doubleml import DoubleMLIRM

from dml_sim.simulation_base_class import simulation_study as ssession # import simulation session object
from dml_sim.datasets import make_irm_farell2021 # import a data generating process
from dml_nn.simulation_learner import network_builder # import network builder to build torch networks wrapped in sklearn syntax using skorch

builder = network_builder() #Init builder with default settings
builder.__dict__ #Show default settings

# Define ML learner
lasso_reg = LassoCV()
lasso_cls = LogisticRegressionCV(penalty='l1', solver='liblinear')
rf_reg = RandomForestRegressor()
rf_cls = RandomForestClassifier()

# Create a structured learner dict for machine learning algorithms
learner_dict_irm_ml = {
        'lasso': {
            'ml_m' : clone(lasso_cls),
            'ml_g' : clone(lasso_reg)},
        'random_forests': {
            'ml_m' : clone(rf_cls),
            'ml_g' : clone(rf_reg)}
 # Create a structured learner dict for neural network algorithms
learner_dict_irm_nn = builder.get_irm_nn_learners()      

# Combine dicts
learner_dict_irm = {**learner_dict_irm_ml, **learner_dict_irm_nn}        

# Create a dict with n_obs and dim_x for the DGP data setting
np_dict = {'n_obs': [500], 'dim_x': [10, 20]}

# Init a dml simulation session
scenario_A = ssession(model = DoubleMLIRM, 
                    score = 'ATE',
                    DGP = make_irm_farell2021, 
                    n_rep = 100,
                    np_dict =  np_dict, 
                    lrn_dict = learner_dict_irm, 
                    alpha = None,
# Perform full simulation

# Generate boxplots

# Generate histograms

# Measure performances

# Save measures and plots to NEW_FOLDER'/content/NEW_FOLDER')

About the use of embeddings with dml_emb

To include image and text data as confounders within the DoubleML framework, transformer models can be used to create embeddings from this unstructured data. Assume that there is a pandas DataFrame with columns for the output variable, the treatment variable and a column for text and image data. The TransformerEnsemble module contains model classes that can process this multimodal input. To deal with this in the high-level syntax of skorch, the modified classes from FeatureRegressor are used. The embeddings can then be generated from the DataFrame. In order to avoid data loss, the class CrossEmbeddings can be used, which creates the embeddings according to the cross-fitting approach.

Example Embedding Generation

from dml_emb.CrossEmbeddings import CrossEmbeddings
from dml_emb.FeatureRegressor import NeuralNetRegressorDoubleOut
from dml_emb.TransformerEnsemble import FineTuned_TransformerEnsemble

IMG = 'microsoft/beit-base-patch16-224-pt22k-ft22k'
TXT = "bert-base-uncased"

module_p = FineTuned_TransformerEnsemble(image_model=IMG, 
module_q = FineTuned_TransformerEnsemble(image_model=IMG, 

def r2(net, X, y):
    return r2_score(y, net.predict(X))

model_p = NeuralNetRegressorDoubleOut( 
    batch_size=16, #try 16
    device='cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu',
               EpochScoring(r2, use_caching=False, lower_is_better=False),
               EarlyStopping(patience=3, threshold=0.01,
                             threshold_mode='rel', lower_is_better=True,

model_q = NeuralNetRegressorDoubleOut(
    batch_size=16, #try 16
    device='cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu',
               EpochScoring(r2, use_caching=False, lower_is_better=False),
               EarlyStopping(patience=3, threshold=0.01,
                             threshold_mode='rel', lower_is_better=True,

ce = CrossEmbeddings(dataset = smpl, 
                     text_col = 'text', 
                     image_col = 'img_get', 
                     d_col = 'ln_p', 
                     y_col = 'ln_q', 
                     n_folds = 3,
                     aux_d = model_p, 
                     aux_y = model_q, 
                     txt_str = TXT, 
                     img_str = IMG)


emb_df = ce.get_embedded_df()
emb_ar = ce.get_embeddings()


DMLSim requires Python 3 with the following packages:

  • DoubleML
  • joblib
  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • openpyxl
  • pandas
  • Pillow
  • python- dateutil
  • scikit- learn
  • scipy==1.7.3
  • seaborn
  • skorch
  • statsmodels
  • torch
  • tqdm
  • transformers

To install DMLSim use

pip install git+