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Project Overview

This repository contains code and resources related to Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules in Windows Defender. The primary goal of this project is to provide a comprehensive understanding of ASR rules, their configuration, and their impact on system security.


The content in this repository is intended for research and educational purposes only. It should be used responsibly and ethically. Any scripts or code that simulate potentially harmful actions are provided for the purpose of understanding and mitigating security threats with ASR. They should only be run in a controlled, secure environment for testing or educational purposes.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed. This project primarily uses Python and PowerShell.
  3. Navigate through the codebase and familiarize yourself with the structure and content.

Code Structure

The codebase is organized into several Python scripts. Here's a brief overview of some key files:

The project consists of the following key components:

  • 1️⃣ ASR Configurator 🛠️: A tool for configuring ASR rules and generating the corresponding PowerShell commands. 📝

  • 2️⃣ ASR Essentials 📚: A guide to the basics of ASR, including how to use ASR on the command line, how to list ASR rules, and how to understand ASR event codes. 🤓

  • 3️⃣ ASR Atomic Testing 🧪: A collection of scripts for testing the effectiveness of ASR rules. 🔬

  • 4️⃣ ASR PwSh Group Policy Generator 🛠️: A tool for generating Group Policy Objects (GPO) with PowerShell. 📝

  • 5️⃣ ASR .pol File Reader 📖: A tool for reading and displaying the contents of GPO .pol files. 📝

  • 6️⃣ asr.ps1: This PowerShell script provides a command-line interface for managing ASR rules.


We welcome contributions to this project. If you have a suggestion, bug report, or want to add to the codebase, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache license.