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Prompt Engineering Tooling for OpenAI (chatgpt) or VertexAI (google cloud) APIs . With more APIs to follow


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codeassistant is toolinf which automates interactions with the OpenAI Completions API and the Vertex AI Predict API.

Prompts are organized in a directory (or prompts library) as YAML configuration files with documentation implemented in Markdown. An example of such a library can be found here.

We are looking for contributors, please see how you can contribute, and our code of conduct.

It fulfills these purposes:

  • A tool for prompt engineers to prototype prompts, and rapidly iterate on them
  • The ability to parameterize prompts with light templating in the handling of input
  • Allows prompts to be integrated with other software such as shell scripts
  • Provides a Web UI

It has two main modes of operation:

  • CLI: Suitable for shell scripts. Output of prompts can be redirected from STDOUT.
  • WebUI: Useful for testing prompts.

OpenAI Configuration

You will need to configure an OpenAI API Key before usage.

Sample configuration

It is recommended you set up codeassistant with a config file at $HOME/.codeassistant.yaml for default values:

backend: openai
openAiApiKey: "<api key>"
openAiUserId: "<your email address>"
promptsLibraryDir: <directory to load prompts, defaults to $HOME/prompts-library>

VertexAI Configuration

You will need to install the gcloud sdk before using VertexAI. You will need a project on Google Cloud which gives your user access to Vertex AI.

You need to login with: gcloud auth login

Before using.

Sample configuration

backend: vertexai
vertexAiProjectId: "<project-id>"
vertexAiLocation: "us-central1"
vertexAiModel: "text-bison@001"
promptsLibraryDir: <directory to load prompts, defaults to $HOME/prompts-library>

Additional configuration

More keys are available for debugging

  - configuration
  - first-response-time
  - last-response-time
  - request-header
  - request-time
  - request-tokens
  - response-header
  - sent-prompt
  - webserver

Installing and running via Docker

docker run --rm --name codeassistant \
  --volume $HOME/.codeassistant.yaml:/.codeassistant.yaml:ro \
  --volume $HOME/prompts-library:/prompts-library:ro \
  -p8989:8989  \ serve

In this example .codeassistant.yaml is $HOME/.codeassistant.yaml and prompts-library and the prompts-library folder is in $HOME/.prompts-library On the docker container $HOME is defined as /

Installing an running via MacOS X

Initial installation

brew tap SPANDigital/homebrew-tap
brew install codeassistant


brew up
brew reinstall codeassistant


Run web front-end

codeassistant serve

or to override the default model

codeassistant serve --openAiCompletionsModel gpt-4

List all the commands in your prompt libraries

codeassistant list

List commands for a specific prompt library

codeassistant run <library> <command> <var1:value> <vae2:value>

or to override the default model

codeassistant run <library> <command> <var1:value> <vae2:value> --openAiModel gpt-4

List available models (beta)

codeassistant list-models

This file is documentation:

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT