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Project Features

Clean Architecture with Use Cases:

  • Implement the Clean Architecture pattern, separating your project into layers (presentation, domain, data).
  • Define and implement use cases that represent the application's business logic independently of the UI or external dependencies.

Flow / Coroutines:

  • Utilize Kotlin Coroutines for asynchronous programming.
  • Use Kotlin Flow to represent and handle streams of data asynchronously.


  • Integrate Retrofit library to handle network requests and communicate with a RESTful API.
  • Define Retrofit service interfaces to specify API endpoints and request methods.

Navigation Component + NavArgs:

  • Utilize Navigation Component to implement navigation between different screens or destinations in your app.
  • Pass data between destinations using Safe Args and NavArgs for type-safe argument passing.

RecyclerView with DiffUtil:

  • Implement RecyclerView to display lists of data efficiently.
  • Utilize DiffUtil to calculate and efficiently update the contents of RecyclerView when the underlying data changes.



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