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In-App Billing for Android apps. It also supports RxJava. 100% Test coverage


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Easy Checkout Library (Android In-App Billing v3 and v5)

API Build Status Bintray codecov License

Fast and easy checkout library (Android In-App Billing) for Android apps with RxJava support. For RxJava please check here.

Why you should use Easy-Checkout?

This library supports both non-consumable/consumable items and upgrading/downgrading of subscriptions.

NOTE: Upgrade/Downgrade of subscriptions are only available in the api version 5. You can still set the api version 3 for other actions in the library. The api version 5 automatically will be used only in this case.

It also solves common problems that developers face while working with In-App Billing, such as:

  • How to query purchase information in the background
  • How to load all the purchases using continuationToken
  • How to load all item SKU details, since one request is limited by 20 items. See more

Test coverage 100%

Easy-Checkout has 100% test coverage and I will try to keep it at that level for stable releases.

coverage report

Let's get started


  • Supports Android 2.3 SDK or higher.

  • For Eclipse users, download the latest jar version on Bintray and add it as a dependency.

  • For Gradle users, the library is available in the jcenter and mavenCentral. Add this into your build.gradle file:

repositories {
dependencies {
    compile ''

where vX.X.X is the your preferred version. For the latest version, please see the project's Releases. You can also see more details on Bintray.

  • This library requires permission. Usually, permissions are merged automatically during the manifest merging step, but you can add it into the AndroidManifest.xml of your application.
<uses-permission android:name="" />
  • If you use Proguard to obfuscate your code, you must add the following line to your Proguard configuration file:
-keep class**

Creating a Billing Context

  • You need a BillingContext object to execute actions in this library. You can create one as follows:
// Application context
Context context = getApplicationContext();

// Public key generated on the Google Play Console
String base64EncodedPublicKey = "YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY";

BillingContext.Builder builder = new BillingContext.Builder()
    .setContext(getApplicationContext()) // App context
    .setPublicKeyBase64(base64EncodedPublicKey) // Public key generated on the Google Play Console
    .setApiVersion(BillingApi.VERSION_3) // It also supports version 5
    .setLogger(new SystemLogger()) // This is optional

BillingContext context =;

Sample (Sample App coming soon)

  • See the sample of how to use it:
public class SampleActivity extends Activity {

    private final PurchaseHandler mPurchaseHandler = new PurchaseHandler() {
      public void call(PurchaseResponse response) {
          if (response.isSuccess()) {
              Purchase purchase = response.getPurchase();
              // Do your stuff with the purchased item
          } else {
              // Handle the error
    private BillingProcessor mBillingProcessor;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    private void initBillingProcessor() {
      // Your public key
      String base64EncodedPublicKey = "YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY";

      BillingContext.Builder builder = new BillingContext.Builder()
        .setContext(getApplicationContext()) // App context
        .setPublicKeyBase64(base64EncodedPublicKey) // Public key generated on the Google Play Console
        .setApiVersion(BillingApi.VERSION_3) // It also supports version 5
        .setLogger(new SystemLogger()) // This is optional

      mBillingProcessor = new BillingProcessor(, mPurchaseHandler);

    public void onDestroy() {
  • Don't forget to override Activity's onActivityResult method like this:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
  if (mBillingProcessor.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)) {
      // The response will be sent through PurchaseHandler
  super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

Purchase Item

  • Call BillingProcessor#startPurchase method to purchase a consumable/non-consumable or a subscription item like this:
Activity activity = this;
int requestCode = 10; // YOUR REQUEST CODE
String itemId = "YOUR_ITEM_ID";
PurchaseType purchaseType = PurchaseType.IN_APP; // or PurchaseType.SUBSCRIPTION for subscriptions
String developerPayload = "YOUR_DEVELOPER_PAYLOAD";

mBillingProcessor.startPurchase(activity, requestCode, itemId, purchaseType, developerPayload,
        new StartActivityHandler() {
            public void onSuccess() {
                // Billing activity started successfully
                // Do nothing

            public void onError(BillingException e) {
                // Handle the error

As a result you will get a Purchase object.

Consume Purchased Item

  • You can consume a purchased item anytime and allow the user to buy the same item again. To do this call BillingProcessor#consume like this:
String itemId = "YOUR_ITEM_ID";

mBillingProcessor.consumePurchase(itemId, new ConsumeItemHandler() {
    public void onSuccess() {
        // Item was consumed successfully

    public void onError(BillingException e) {
        // Handle the error

Upgrade/Downgrade Subscription

  • You can upgrade/downgrade an existing subscription by calling BillingProcessor#updateSubscription like this:

This is only available in the api version 5. You can still set the api version 3 for other actions in the library. The api version 5 automatically will be used only in this case.

Activity activity = this;
int requestCode = 10; // YOUR REQUEST CODE
ArrayList<String> itemIdList = new ArrayList<>();
String targetItemId = "TARGET_ITEM_ID";
String developerPayload = "YOUR_DEVELOPER_PAYLOAD";

mBillingProcessor.updateSubscription(activity, requestCode, itemIdList, targetItemId, developerPayload,
              new StartActivityHandler() {
                public void onSuccess() {
                    // Billing activity started successfully
                    // Do nothing

                public void onError(BillingException e) {
                    // Handle the error

As a result you will get a Purchase object through of the PurchaseHandler set in the BillingProcessor's constructor.

Inventory of Purchases

  • You can get the inventory of your purchases like this:
PurchaseType purchaseType = PurchaseType.IN_APP; // PurchaseType.SUBSCRIPTIONS for subscriptions

mBillingProcessor.getPurchases(purchaseType, new PurchasesHandler() {
    public void onSuccess(Purchases purchases) {
        // Do your stuff with the list of purchases
        List<Purchase> purchaseList = purchases.getAll();

    public void onError(BillingException e) {
        // Handle the error

As a result you will get a list of Purchase objects.

List of Item details

  • You can get a list of your sku item details such as prices and descriptions
PurchaseType purchaseType = PurchaseType.IN_APP; // PurchaseType.SUBSCRIPTIONS for subscriptions
ArrayList<String> itemIds = new ArrayList<>();

mBillingProcessor.getItemDetails(purchaseType, itemIds, new ItemDetailListHandler() {
    public void onSuccess(ItemDetails itemDetails) {
        // Do your stuff with the list of item details
        List<Item> items = itemDetails.getAll();

    public void onError(BillingException e) {
        // Handle the error


  • Cancel the all purchase flows. It will clear the pending purchase flows and ignore any event until a new request.
    If you don't need the BillingProcessor instance any more, call directly Release instead.
    Note: By canceling it will not cancel the purchase process since the purchase process is not controlled by the app.


  • Release the handlers. Once you release it, you MUST create a new instance.
    Note: By releasing it will not cancel the purchase process since the purchase process is not controlled by the app.

As a result you will get a list of Item detail objects.

Check In-App Billing service availability

  • In some devices, In-App Billing may not be available. Therefore, it is advisable to check whether it is available or not by calling BillingProcessor.isServiceAvailable as follows:
boolean isAvailable = BillingProcessor.isServiceAvailable(getApplicationContext());
if (!isAvailable) {
    // Abort

Purchase Object

  • This object contains all the information of a purchase
  public String getOriginalJson();
  public String getOrderId();
  public String getPackageName();
  public String getSku();
  public long getPurchaseTime();
  public int getPurchaseState();
  public String getDeveloperPayload();
  public String getToken();
  public boolean isAutoRenewing();
  public String getSignature();

Item Object

  • This object contains all the information of an item
  public String getOriginalJson();
  public String getSku();
  public String getType();
  public String getTitle();
  public String getDescription();
  public String getCurrency();
  public String getPrice();
  public long getPriceMicros();
  public String getSubscriptionPeriod();
  public String getFreeTrialPeriod();
  public String getIntroductoryPrice();
  public long getIntroductoryPriceAmountMicros();
  public String getIntroductoryPricePeriod();
  public int getIntroductoryPriceCycles();