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FastAPI-User-Auth is a simple and powerful FastAPI user RBAC authentication and authorization library. Based on FastAPI-Amis-Admin and provides a freely extensible visual management interface.

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Project Introduction


FastAPI-User-Auth is a simple and powerful FastAPI user authentication and authorization library based on Casbin.
Based on FastAPI-Amis-Admin and provides a freely extensible visual management interface.

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FastAPI-User-Auth is a API based on FastAPI-Amis-Admin The application plug-in is deeply integrated with FastAPI-Amis-Admin to provide user authentication and authorization. Casbin-based RBAC permission management supports multiple verification methods, multiple databases, and multiple granularity permission controls.

Permission types

  • Page Permissions: Control whether the user can access a certain menu page. If it is not accessible, the menu will not be displayed, and all routes under the page will be inaccessible.
  • Action Permission: Controls whether the user can perform an action and whether the button is displayed. For example: add, update, delete, etc.
  • Field permissions: Control whether users can operate a certain field. For example: list display fields, filter fields, add fields, update fields, etc.
  • Data permissions: Control the range of data that users can operate. For example: they can only operate the data they created, only the data of the last 7 days, etc.


pip install fastapi-user-auth

Simple example

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_amis_admin.admin.settings import Settings
from import AuthAdminSite
from starlette.requests import Request
from sqlmodel import SQLModel

# Create FastAPI application
app = FastAPI()

# Create AdminSite instance
site = AuthAdminSite(settings=Settings(database_url='sqlite:///amisadmin.db?check_same_thread=False'))
auth = site.auth
# Mount the backend management system

# Create initial database table
async def startup():
    await site.db.async_run_sync(SQLModel.metadata.create_all, is_session=False)
    # Create a default administrator, username: admin, password: admin, please change the password in time!!!
    await auth.create_role_user("admin")
    #Create the default super administrator, username: root, password: root, please change the password in time!!!    await auth.create_role_user("root")
    # Run the startup method of the site, load the casbin strategy, etc.
    await site.router.startup()
    #Add a default casbin rule
    if not auth.enforcer.enforce("u:admin", site.unique_id, "page", "page"):
        await auth.enforcer.add_policy("u:admin", site.unique_id, "page", "page", "allow")

# Requirements: User must be logged in
def get_user(request: Request):
    return request.user

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import uvicorn

Authentication methods


  • Recommended scenario: Single route. Supports synchronous/asynchronous routing.
# Requirements: User must be logged in
def user(request: Request):
    return request.user  # Current request user object.

# Verify routing: user has admin role
def admin_roles(request: Request):
    return request.user

# Requirement: User has VIP role
#Support synchronous/asynchronous routing
async def vip_roles(request: Request):
    return request.user

# Requirement: User has admin role or vip role
@auth.requires(roles=['admin', 'vip'])
def admin_or_vip_roles(request: Request):
    return request.user

Dependencies (recommended)

  • Recommended scenarios: single route, route set, FastAPI application.
from fastapi import Depends
from fastapi_user_auth.auth.models import User

# Route parameter dependencies, this method is recommended
def admin_roles(user: User = Depends(auth.get_current_user)):
    return user  # Current request user object.

# Path manipulation decorator dependencies
@app.get("/auth/admin_roles_depend_2", dependencies=[Depends(auth.requires('admin')())])
def admin_roles(request: Request):
    return request.user

# Global dependencies
# All requests under the app require the admin role
app = FastAPI(dependencies=[Depends(auth.requires('admin')())])

def admin_roles(request: Request):
    return request.user


  • Recommended scenario: FastAPI application
app = FastAPI()
# Attach `request.auth` and `request.user` objects before each request is processed under the app application

Call directly

  • Recommended scenario: non-routing method
from fastapi_user_auth.auth.models import User

async def get_request_user(request: Request) -> Optional[User]:
    # user= await auth.get_current_user(request)
    if await auth.requires('admin', response=False)(request):
        return request.user
        return None

Token Storage Backend

fastapi-user-auth supports multiple token storage methods. The default is: DbTokenStore, it is recommended to customize it to: JwtTokenStore


  • pip install fastapi-user-auth[jwt]
from fastapi_user_auth.auth.backends.jwt import JwtTokenStore
from sqlalchemy_database import Database
from fastapi_user_auth.auth import Auth
from import AuthAdminSite

#Create a sync database engine
db = Database.create(url="sqlite:///amisadmin.db?check_same_thread=False")

# Use `JwtTokenStore` to create an auth object
auth = Auth(

# Pass auth object to AdminSite
site = AuthAdminSite(


# Create an auth object using `DbTokenStore`
from fastapi_user_auth.auth.backends.db import DbTokenStore

auth = Auth(


  • pip install fastapi-user-auth[redis]
# Use `RedisTokenStore` to create an auth object
from fastapi_user_auth.auth.backends.redis import RedisTokenStore
from redis.asyncio import Redis

auth = Auth(

RBAC model

This system adopts the Casbin RBAC model and runs a role-based priority strategy.

  • Permissions can be assigned to roles or directly to users.
  • Users can have multiple roles.
  • A role can have multiple sub-roles.
  • The permission policy owned by the user has a higher priority than the permission policy of the role it owns.
flowchart LR
    User -. m:n .-> Role
    User -. m:n .-> CasbinRule
    Role -. m:n .-> Role
    Role -. m:n .-> CasbinRule 

Advanced expansion

Extend the User model

from datetime import date

from fastapi_amis_admin.models.fields import Field
from fastapi_user_auth.auth.models import BaseUser

# Customize the `User` model, inherit `BaseUser`
class MyUser(BaseUser, table = True):
    point: float = Field(default = 0, title = 'Point', description = 'User points')
    phone: str = Field(None, title = 'Phone', max_length = 15)
    parent_id: int = Field(None, title = "Superior", foreign_key = "")
    birthday: date = Field(None, title = "date of birth")
    location: str = Field(None, title = "Location")

# Use custom `User` model to create auth object
auth = Auth(db = AsyncDatabase(engine), user_model = MyUser)

Extend the Role model

from fastapi_amis_admin.models.fields import Field
from fastapi_user_auth.auth.models import Role

# Customize `Role` model, inherit `Role`;
class MyRole(Role, table=True):
    icon: str = Field(None, title='图标')
    is_active: bool = Field(default=True, title="是否激活")

Customize User Auth App default management class

The default management classes can be overridden and replaced through inheritance. For example: UserLoginFormAdmin, UserRegFormAdmin, UserInfoFormAdmin, UserAdmin,RoleAdmin

# Customize the model management class, inherit and override the corresponding default management class
class MyRoleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    page_schema = PageSchema(label='User group management', icon='fa fa-group')
    model = MyRole
    readonly_fields = ['key']

# Customize user authentication application, inherit and override the default user authentication application
class MyUserAuthApp(UserAuthApp):
    RoleAdmin = MyRoleAdmin

# Customize the user management site, inherit and override the default user management site
class MyAuthAdminSite(AuthAdminSite):
    UserAuthApp = MyUserAuthApp

# Use the custom `AuthAdminSite` class to create a site object
site = MyAuthAdminSite(settings, auth=auth)

ModelAdmin permission control

Field permissions

  • Inherit the AutoField ModelAdmin class to achieve field permission control. By assigning user and role permissions in the background.

  • perm_fields_exclude: Specify fields that do not require permission control.

from fastapi_user_auth.mixins.admin import AuthFieldModelAdmin
from fastapi_amis_admin.amis import PageSchema
from fastapi_amis_admin.admin import FieldPermEnum

class AuthFieldArticleAdmin(AuthFieldModelAdmin):
    page_schema = PageSchema(label="文章管理")
    model = Article
    # Specify fields that do not need permission control. 
    perm_fields_exclude = {
        FieldPermEnum.CREATE: ["title", "description", "content"],

Data permissions

  • Inherit the AuthSelectModelAdmin class to achieve data permission control. By assigning user and role permissions in the background.
  • select_permisions: Specify permissions to query data.
from fastapi_user_auth.mixins.admin import AuthSelectModelAdmin
from fastapi_amis_admin.amis import PageSchema
from fastapi_amis_admin.admin import RecentTimeSelectPerm, UserSelectPerm, SimpleSelectPerm

class AuthSelectArticleAdmin(AuthSelectModelAdmin):
    page_schema = PageSchema(label="Dataset control article management")
    model = Article
    select_permissions = [
        # Data created in the last 7 days. reverse=True indicates reverse selection, that is, the data within the last 7 days is selected by default.
        RecentTimeSelectPerm(name="recent7_create", label="Created in the last 7 days", td=60 * 60 * 24 * 7, reverse=True),
        # Data created in the last 30 days
        RecentTimeSelectPerm(name="recent30_create", label="Created in the last 30 days", td=60 * 60 * 24 * 30),
        #Data updated in the last 3 days
        RecentTimeSelectPerm(name="recent3_update", label="Updated in the last 3 days", td=60 * 60 * 24 * 3, time_column="update_time"),
        # You can only select the data you created. reverse=True means reverse selection, that is, the data you created is selected by default.
        UserSelectPerm(name="self_create", label="Create yourself", user_column="user_id", reverse=True),
        # # You can only select the data you updated
        # UserSelectPerm(name="self_update", label="Update yourself", user_column="update_by"),
        # Only published data can be selected
        SimpleSelectPerm(name="published", label="Published", column="is_published", values=[True]),
        # Only data with status [1,2,3] can be selected
        SimpleSelectPerm(name="status_1_2_3", label="Status is 1_2_3", column="status", values=[1, 2, 3]),

Interface preview

  • Open in your browser:


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  • Open in your browser:


License Agreement

  • fastapi-amis-admin is open source and free to use based on Apache2.0 and can be used for commercial purposes for free, but please clearly display the copyright information about FastAPI-Amis-Admin in the display interface.


Thanks to the following developers for their contributions to FastAPI-User-Auth:


FastAPI-User-Auth is a simple and powerful FastAPI user RBAC authentication and authorization library. Based on FastAPI-Amis-Admin and provides a freely extensible visual management interface.







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