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How to Setup Gitlab Runner on Kubernetes


  • Setup Two Difference Node Pools (main- Normal Instaces and spot - Spot Instances)

NOTE : I use terragrunt in my setup. Here is the terragrunt.hcl file for deploying GKE Cluster and make sure that no other pods are deployed to spot node pool.

  gke_node_pools  = [
      name                = "main"
      machine_type        = "n2-standard-2"
      initial_node_count  = 2
      min_node_count      = 2
      max_node_count      = 3
      max_surge           = 1
      max_unavailable     = 1
      name                = "spot"
      spot_node_pool      = true
      machine_type        = "n2-standard-2"
      taint = [
          effect  = "NO_SCHEDULE"
          key     = "gitlab-runner"
          value   = "true"
      initial_node_count  = 2
      min_node_count      = 2
      max_node_count      = 2
      max_surge           = 1
      max_unavailable     = 1

Setup Google Service Account to Access the Bucket/Objects

  • Create a service account called: gitlab-runner
  • create json key and store it in gitlab-runner-sa-key.json
  • assign storageObject.admin rights

Gitlab Runners Secrets

kubectl create namespace gitlab-runner

# Create Kubernetes Secret using json key file
kubectl create secret generic -n gitlab-runner google-application-credentials --from-file=gcs-application-credentials-file=/home/acharolia/gitlab-runner-sa-key.json

# store runner token in a file and create a secret
######### don't create secret ###########
# kubectl create secret generic -n gitlab-runner gitlab-runner-secret --from-file=runner-registration-token=/home/acharolia/runner-token.txt

Deploy Helm Chart

helm repo add gitlab

helm repo update 

helm upgrade --install test-gitlab-runner -n gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner --version 0.50.1 --values gitlab-runner/values.yaml

NOTE: Chart versions are available here:

Useful Links


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