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Open and experimental project for a Travel Agency Tours Company, applying Software Engineering modern concepts.

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Repository files navigation

Natours Application

Built using modern technologies: node.js, express, mongoDB, mongoose and friends 😁

Table of Contents


Create NodeJs App and package.json file:

$ npm init --yes

Clone repository from GitHub:

git clone


Local MongDB reference (Version 6.*):


Remote MongDB reference using Atlas Service hosted by AWS (Version 6.*):

mongodb+srv://[user]:[Password]@[server pefix name]

Environment Variables

#App Environment Variables

#mailtrap for testing

#Email shadow for testing

#sendgrid professional email service for testing

#stripe professional payment for testing


Deploy to Google Cloud Run with GitHub Action

Install and verify in Heroku using Heroku CLI
heroku --version

heroku login
#Login to heroku

heroku create <example-app>
#Create app to heroku

heroku logs --tail
heroku ps:scale web=0
heroku ps:scale web=1
heroku ps:scale web=2
heroku open

git remote -v
# List/Verify remote repo connection

git push heroku master
# Deploy app to heroku

Commands Cheat Sheet

Git Commands

# Example of tagging github repo with Semantic Release

git remote -v
# List/Verify remote repo connection

git add .
git commit -m "Description of the change"
#Add and commit changes to local repo

git push -u origin master
#Save commited changes to remote repo

git tag
git tag -n
#Show created tags

git status
#Show pending changes to be commited

git log
#Show commits

git describe --tags
#Show current tag in use

git tag v1.1.3
git tag v1.1.4
#Create a new tag

git tag -a v1.1.9 -m "CICD deploy to Google Cloud Run"
#Create a new RELEASE tag (annotated tag)

git push origin <tagname>
git push origin master <tagname>
git push origin v1.1.9
#Send tag to remote repo

git push --tags
git push origin --tags
#Send all tags to remote repo

WSL commands

wsl -l -v
#Check wsl version

winget uninstall
winget uninstall --id "Ubuntu"

wsl --list
wsl --unregister "Ubuntu"
wsl --list --online
#Uninstall WSL Distro

wsl --shutdown
#Derruba o serviço wsl

systemctl status docker.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

sudo service docker start
sudo update-alternatives --config iptables
sudo service docker start
#Start docker daemon service

c:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe -d Ubuntu -u root /etc/init-wsl
#Iniciar o serviço de docker (docker Daemon) colocando os resultado no arquivo: /mnt/c/Users/Usuário/wsl_start.log

echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
#Liberar cache de memória

wsl --export "Ubuntu" C:\Users\Usuário\Desktop\backup.tar
wsl --import "Ubuntu" C:\Users\Usuário\Desktop\backup.tar
#Backup do ambiente WSL

explorer.exe .
#Chama comandos do windows

#Acessar arquivos no WSL a partir do windows

zsh --version
sudo apt install zsh
#Installing Oh My Zsh


docker system df
docker system df -v
#You can look up how much space is used by docker

docker system prune -f
docker system prune -af

docker image prune -f
docker image prune -af
#Clean up unused and dangling images

docker container prune -f
#Clean up stopped containers

docker volume prune -f
# Clean up unused volumes
# To clean up as much as possible excluding components that are in use.
# -a includes unused and dangling containers.
# -f force removing without asking confirmation.

docker stop <container_id/name> <container_id/name>
docker rm <container_id/name> <container_id/name>
# Manually remove containers

docker rmi <image_id/name> <image_id/name>
# Manually remove images locally

docker volume ls
docker volume rm <Volume Name> <Volume Name>
# Manually remove volumes

docker ps
#List all docker process (docker instances)

docker -d
#Start the docker daemon

docker --help
#Get help with Docker. Can also use –help on all subcommands

docker info
#Display system-wide information

docker history <image_name>:<label>
#Display system-wide information

Docker IMAGE commands

docker build -t <image_name>
docker build -t natours -f .
docker build -t <image_name> -f <dockerfile_name> .
#The docker build command builds an image called 'natours' from a Dockerfile.env

docker build -t <image_name> . –no-cache
docker build -t natours -f . –no-cache
docker build -t <image_name> -f <dockerfile_name> . <params>
#The docker build command builds an image called 'natours' from a Dockerfile.env without the cache

docker images
#List local images

docker image ls | grep natours
#List specific image named 'natours'

docker rmi <image_name>
docker rmi natours
#Delete an Image

docker image prune
#Remove all unused images

docker image ls | grep natours
docker rmi natours:latest
docker rmi node:16.16.0-slim
# Remove specific <image_name>:<label>

Docker HUB Commands

#Docker Hub is a service provided by Docker for finding and sharing
#container images with your team. Learn more and find images at

docker ps -a
docker commit natours-full natours-full:latest
docker commit <container_name> <image_name>:<label>
#Create an Image from a Container to save in docker hub

# Step 1: Sign Up for Docker Hub
# Step 2: Sign In for Docker Hub
# Step 3: Create a Repository on Docker Hub
# Step 4: Push Image to Docker Hub

docker login -u <username>
# Login the Docker public registry from your local machine terminal

docker tag <local_image>:<label> <username>/<remote_image>:<label>
docker tag natours-full:1.1.0 claudineisbezerra/natours-full:1.1.0
# Tag the image

docker push <username>/<image_name>:<label>
docker push claudineisbezerra/natours-full:1.1.0
#Publish the image to Docker Hub

docker search <image_name>
docker search natours-full
#Search Hub for an image

docker pull <username>/<image_name>:<tag_name>
docker pull <image_name>:<tag_name>
docker pull node
docker pull claudineisbezerra/natours_image:latest
#To download a particular image, or set of images (i.e., a repository)
#Pull an image from a Docker Hub
#If no tag is provided, Docker Engine uses the :latest tag as a default.

Docker CONTAINER Commands

docker build -t <image_name>
docker build -t natours-full:1.1.0 -f .

docker scan natours-full:1.1.0
#Scan docker image for vulnerabillities using snyk
#Configure docker hub for scanning the image after image registration
#Integrate scanning in CI/CD process

snyk test --docker natours-full:1.1.0
# Scan the image for vulnerabilities with snyk

snyk monitor --docker natours-full:1.1.0
#Monitor a Docker image for known vulnerabilities. Snyk can notify and provide remediation advice.

docker build --target build-stage -t natours-full:1.1.0 -f .
docker build --target runtime-stage -t natours-full:1.1.0 -f .
#The docker build command builds an image called 'natours-full:1.1.0' from a using multi steps

docker build -t <image_name> -f <dockerfile_name> .
#The docker build command builds an image from a dockerfile

docker run --name <container_name> <image_name>:<label>
docker run -it --name <container_name> <image_name>:<label>
docker run -it --name natours-full natours-full:1.1.0
#Run a container from an existing image as interative console (-it)

docker run -P -d --name natours-full natours-full:1.1.0
#Run a container from an existing image and expose the ports defined in dockerfile as detached console (-d)

docker run -p 3000:3000 -d --name natours-full natours-full:1.1.0
#Run a container from an existing image and expose maps local port to container app port
#If image do not exists the command run will download the image

docker run \
-e "NODE_ENV=production" \
-u "node" \
-m "300M" --memory-swap "1G" \
-w "/home/node/app" \
-p "3000:3000" \
--name "natours-full" \
node server.js
# Docker Run: To run a default Node.js Docker Containerized application

sudo docker image inspect --format='' natours-full:1.1.0
#To inspect a image definition
#List all docker definition (in JSON FORMAT)

docker rename <container_name> <container_new_name>
#Rename a container

docker run -p <host_port>:<container_port> <image_name>
#Run a container with and publish a container’s port(s) to the host.

docker run -d <image_name>
#Run a container in the background

sudo docker run -it natours-full:1.1.0 bash
#See the coker image content

docker start|stop <container_name> (or <container_id>)
#Start or stop an existing container

docker rm <container_name>
#Remove a stopped container

docker exec -it <container_name> sh
docker exec -it <container_name> bash
docker exec -it natours bash
#Open a shell inside a running container

docker logs -f <container_name>
#Fetch and follow the logs of a container

docker inspect <container_name> (or <container_id>)
#To inspect a running container
#List all docker definition (in JSON FORMAT)

docker ps
docker ps -a | grep natours
#list currently running containers

docker rm <container_id/name> <container_id/name> <container_id/name>
docker rm natours
#Remove docker containers

docker ps --all
#List all docker containers (running and stopped):

docker container stats
#View resource usage stats

Docker Compose Commands

docker compose up
# levantar a versão default

docker compose -f up --build
docker compose -f up app db --build
docker compose --profile=develomment -f up --build
#Container creation, using partial containers or profile

STAGE=runtime-stage docker compose -f up --build
#Container creation, using runtime-stage defined to generate final version for production

docker compose -f up --build

docker compose -f exec -u root app bash
docker compose -f exec app bash
npm run start:dev
# Acessar o container diretamente via CLI commands

docker compose -f exec -u root app bash
docker compose -f exec app bash
npm run start:prod
# Versão de produção

# Exibe com qual usuário estou logado

chmod +x .docker/
#Permissão de execução no arquivo

rm -rf dist && npm run build && cd ./dist && find . -type d | sed -e "s/[^-][^\/]*\//  |/g" -e "s/|\([^ ]\)/| - \1/"
find | sed 's|[^/]*/|- |g'
# Clean, Compile and List directory as a tree
# List all files as a tree

docker compose -f ps
docker compose -f stop
docker compose -f start
docker compose -f down
#Destruir o ambiente docker

docker compose -f up -d
#Subir o ambiente docker com terminal detachado

docker compose -f up --build
#Subir o ambiente compilando a aplicação

docker compose -f up -d --build
#Subir o ambiente com terminal detachado compilando a aplicação

docker compose -f --profile development up --build
#Cria o ambiente baseado em profile

docker compose -f exec app bash
npm run start:dev

#Executa somente o estágio de testing definido em
STAGE=testing docker compose -f up
STAGE=production docker compose -f up

docker compose -f down
docker compose -f up
docker compose -f up --build

docker compose -f exec app_prod bash
npm run start:prod

Ongoing Task List

  • 23/08/2022: Start using express.raw()
  • 24/08/2022: Implement restriction that users can only review (Create/Update/Delete) a tour that they have actually booked
  • 24/08/2022: Implement nested booking routes: /tours/:id/bookings and /users/:id/bookings;
  • 29/08/2022: Improve tour dates: add a participants and a soldOut field to each date.
    • A date then becomes like an instance of the tour.
    • Then, when a user books, they need to select one of the dates.
    • A new booking will increase the number of participants in the date, until it is booked out (participants > maxGroupSize).
    • So, when a user wants to book, you need to check if tour on the selected date is still available
  • Implement advanced authentication features
    • 30/08/2022: confirm user email
    • 06/09/2022: keep users logged in with refresh tokens
    • 09/09/2022: two-factor authentication
  • 09/09/2022: Implement a sign up form, similar to the login form
  • 09/09/2022: Create verification endpoint to activate account
  • 17/09/2022: On the tour detail page, if a user has taken a tour, allow them add a review directly on the website
  • 17/09/2022: On the tour detail page, allow user to book for only not booked dates
  • 17/09/2022: On the tour detail page, allow user to review already booked tours and update existing reviews
  • 12/09/2022: Show new Tour date format. Show only the tour dates booked by the user
  • Hide the entire booking section on the tour detail page if current user has already booked the tour
    • 17/09/2022: Prevent duplicate bookings on the model
    • 17/09/2022: Booked tour been presented by date.
  • 20/09/2022: Implement “like tour” functionality, with favourite tour page;
  • On the user account page, implement the “My Reviews” page, where all reviews are displayed, and a user can edit them
    • 17/09/2022: Implemented using PUG templates
    • 13/12/2022: Generated release 1.0.0 of the application in github
    • 13/12/2022: Start using docker for the app. Setup remote debugging support
    • 13/12/2022: Added and
    • 13/12/2022: Start using Semantic Release
    • 13/12/2022: Generated release 1.1.0 of the application in github
  • Automate deployment for the app
    • 14/12/2022: Manually create docker images and register to docker hub using docker CLI (claudineisbezerra/natours-full:1.1.0)
    • 14/12/2022: Added and
    • 15/12/2022: Manually create docker images and save it to docker hub using docker compose CLI
    • 16/12/2022: Automate docker image creation and register to docker hub using github actions
    • 22/12/2022: Install app at google CloudRun Service (Kubernetes Administrated Service)
    • 23/12/2022: New TAG VERSION delivered for testings
  • For administrators, implement all the “Manage” pages, where they can CRUD (create, read, update, delete) tours, users, reviews, and bookings.
  • Separate frontend and backend projects
    • If you know React ⚛ or Vue 🧡, this would be an amazing way to use the Natours API and train your skills!
  • Add unit and system test to the app