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What I Learned As a DevOps

Table of contents



Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations

# Abbreviation or Acronym Definition
1 Qt is a widget toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces as well as cross-platform applications that run on various software and hardware platforms such as Linux, Windows, macOS, Android or embedded systems with little or no change in the underlying codebase while still being a native application with native capabilities and speed.
2 Cpplint is a C++ static code analysis tool which looks for programming errors, helps enforcing a coding standard, sniffs for code smells and offers simple refactoring suggestions.
3 Pylint is a Python static code analysis tool which looks for programming errors, helps enforcing a coding standard, sniffs for code smells and offers simple refactoring suggestions.



To ignore some temporary files, build results, and files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons I used .gitignore from here I extended it with dirs with images as I did not want to commit them because of big size, autogenerated by doxygen files and not ready for commit content

./build-scripts/ test/ait/tests/safety/local_fault ./build-scripts/ test/ait/tests/safety/local_fault

Automated code checks

    Currently there are following automated checks to verify if the code meets code quality requirements:

Please notice the installation packages for Windows is built using Wix; Once a release happened the current documentation generated from the code appeared.

unit tests

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) project(MyProject)

Enable testing for the project enable_testing()

Add GoogleTest as a subdirectory. You need to have gtest in your project directory. add_subdirectory(googletest)

Add your source files here add_executable(MyProject main.cpp)

Link GoogleTest to your project target_link_libraries(MyProject gtest gtest_main)

Add your tests source files here add_executable(MyProjectTests test_main.cpp)

Link GoogleTest to your tests target_link_libraries(MyProjectTests gtest gtest_main)

Add the tests to CTest's test runner add_test(NAME MyProjectTests COMMAND MyProjectTests)

It sets the minimum required version of CMake and the name of the project. It enables testing for the project. It adds GoogleTest as a subdirectory, so CMake can find the GoogleTest libraries. It creates an executable for the project from the source files. It links the GoogleTest libraries to the project. It creates an executable for the tests from the test source files. It links the GoogleTest libraries to the tests. It adds the tests to CTest's test runner, so you can run the tests with the ctest command.

Building the code

I use CMake to build the project on different platform CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.0)

if (WIN32) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES "-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ ${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES}") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,-Bstatic,--whole-archive -lwinpthread -Wl,--no-whole-archive") endif (WIN32)


add_subdirectory(FVACommonLib) add_subdirectory(FVAConfigurator) add_subdirectory(FVADataProcessor) add_subdirectory(FVADescriptionEditor) add_subdirectory(FVADictionaryEditor) add_subdirectory(FVAFlowController) add_subdirectory(FVAOrganizer) add_subdirectory(FVAOrganizerWizard) add_subdirectory(FVAPlayer) add_subdirectory(FVAViewer)

    There are 2 environments to build – CI (git hub) and local developer one. CMake is used as a tool to control build process. It is selected as cross-platform tool available on all target platforms to build the package. This link was used to make a build of QT code with a help of CMake.

Building the code using GitHub

    The tool installation, configuration and processing are automated and based on GitHub actions with main.yml All the steps are expected to be yml based only. I used [37] to help me to set up the main GitHub action flow and this link to set up QT.     Once code change is pushed to GitHub, main workflow is being executed and you will have new Installation packages to use. All steps to build a package are called on any push to master or TBD branch. More details are located in comments and step names here. TODO explain how to install and cfg on github site

Building the code locally

Still you can use MS studio solution to build locally on Windows or CMake to build locally on any Windows, Mac or Linux.

Building the docs

    To re-generate the docs you need to re-execute documentation workflow from workflow. As result you will have this


Releasing code and docs


    One more important point was a definition of building and releasing the product and documentation Here you can find a description for:

Thus, I learned:

  • how to build and release documentation using GitHub;
  • how to release product using GitHub.

Branch strategy

One more important point was a definition of branch strategy     GitHub actions is used to implement the releasing of the product. It is configured to call release flow to start the creation of release product artifacts on creation or update the release branch. TBD - describe naming and flow for branches. TBD - create picture.


# Name Source Release date Author Description
1 Using GitHub Actions with C++ and CMake Web 22/12/2019 Cristian Adam Providing a GitHub Actions configuration yaml file for C++ projects using CMake
2 Code scanning finds more vulnerabilities using machine learning Web 17/02/2022 Tiferet Gazit, Alona Hlobina
3 What I learned as an Application Architect GitHub
4 What I learned as a Delivery Manager GitHub
5 What I learned as a Product Manager GitHub
6 What I learned as a Software Developer GitHub
7 What I learned as a Subject Matter Expert GitHub
8 What I Learned As a Tester GitHub
9 Why I decided to create my photo organizer? GitHub