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This repository contains a simple example of how to call ChatGPT plugins that don't require authentication. The code is written in TypeScript, and it leverages the OpenAI API to process user messages and interact with plugin APIs based on the OpenAPI Specification provided by the plugin.

Table of Contents


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run npm install to install the required dependencies
  3. Create a .env file in the project root and add your OpenAI API key as OPEN_API_KEY=<your-api-key>
  4. Compile TypeScript using tsc or npx tsc



const pluginUrl = ''; // Replace with the actual plugin URL
const message = 'Recommend some sneakers with the price range of $50-$100'; // Replace with your actual message

chatWithPlugin(pluginUrl, message);

The chatWithPlugin function fetches the plugin data, interacts with the OpenAI API, makes the appropriate API call to the plugin, and logs the response.

Working plugin URLs

File Structure

  • main.ts: The main entry point of the application, containing the chatWithPlugin function
  • fetchPluginData.ts: Utility function to fetch plugin data and OpenAPI Specification from a given plugin URL
  • makeApiCall.ts: Utility function to make API calls to the plugin based on the API request JSON object returned by the OpenAI API


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