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Releases: ethereum-optimism/optimism

op-stack v1.7.6 - Sepolia Fjord activation

24 May 16:23
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❗ Sepolia Superchain Fjord activation Next Wednesday 5/29

This release contains the activation of the Fjord hardfork on the Sepolia Superchain on Wed May 29 16:00:00 UTC 2024. Node operators of any Sepolia OP Chains (OP, Base, Mode, Zora, PGN) must update before this activation timestamp, or their nodes will halt when the chains activate Fjord.

It is a recommended update for all other node operators as it contains various improvements and bug fixes.

🤝 The corresponding Fjord Sepolia op-geth release is v1.101315.1.

⚠️ This op-node/v1.7.6 release misses the fjord override flag. If you need it, use op-node/v1.7.7-rc.1 instead.


This release contains all features of the upcoming Fjord protocol upgrade. The Fjord activation can be manually enabled via overrides for chains which don't activate Fjord via the Superchain (currently only the Sepolia Superchain).

Update of op-geth dependency

The op-geth dependency is updated to v1.101315.1-rc.5, which implies an update of the underlying geth version to v1.13.15.

L1 Beacon client improvements

The L1 beacon client in the op-node now better detects missing blobs and falls back to the l1.beacon-archiver endpoint, if configured.

Partial Changelog

New Contributors (all monorepo)

Full Changelog: v1.7.4...v1.7.6

🚢 Docker Images:


24 May 18:28
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op-node/v1.7.7-rc.1 Pre-release

op-node Fjord override flag rc

This is a release candidate on top of op-node/v1.7.6 that adds the missing fjord override flag --override.fjord (or env var OP_NODE_OVERRIDE_FJORD) to op-node. #10648

🚢 Docker Image

Release op-contracts/v1.5.0-rc.1 — Safe Extensions

16 May 14:31
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This release adds 3 Safe extensions that are intended to help OP Stack chains reach Stage 1. You can read more about this in the governance post.

Contract Changes

Only the following 3 contracts are released with the version:

  • LivenessGuard, a guard for Safes
  • LivenessModule, a module for Safes, intended to be paired with LivenessGuard.
  • DeputyGuardianModule, a module for Safes.

These are all unrelated to the core OP Stack protocol contracts.

Full Contract Set

A chain using this contracts release must be using the following contracts at the specified semvers. Because the op-contracts/v1.4.0 release is pending governance approval, the versions below are from the op-contracts/v1.3.0 release.

The three new contracts:

  • LivenessGuard: 1.0.0
  • LivenessModule: 1.2.0
  • DeputyGuardianModule: 1.1.0

And the prior release from op-contracts/v1.3.0:

  • AddressManager: Latest (this has no version) (No change from prior version)
  • L1CrossDomainMessenger: 2.3.0
  • L1ERC721Bridge: 2.1.0
  • L1StandardBridge: 2.1.0
  • L2OutputOracle: 1.8.0
  • OptimismMintableERC20Factory: 1.9.0
  • OptimismPortal: 2.5.0
  • SystemConfig: 1.12.0
  • SuperchainConfig: 1.1.0 (No change from prior version)
  • ProtocolVersions: 1.0.0 (No change from prior version)

Full Changelog

The full contracts diff between this release and the prior release can be found at the link below. Note that, because this is a monorepo, this will likely include many unrelated changes and will be a noisy diff. Because op-contracts/v1.4.0 is also pending governance approval, this release is compared to op-contracts/v1.3.0


Release op-contracts/v1.4.0-rc.4 - Fault Proofs

21 May 15:39
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This release adds Fault Proofs to help OP Stack chains reach Stage 1. You can read more about this in the governance post.

Contract Changes

This includes the following new contracts:

  • FaultDisputeGame, An implementation of the IDisputeGame interface for Fault Proofs
  • PermissionedDisputeGame, A FaultDisputeGame contract that is permissioned
  • DisputeGameFactory, A factory contract for creating IDisputeGame contracts
  • AnchorStateRegistry, Stores the latest "anchor" state used by the FaultDisputeGame contract
  • DelayedWETH, An extension to WETH9 that allows delayed withdrawals
  • MIPS, An onchain MIPS32 VM
  • PreimageOracle, A contract for storing permissioned pre-images

Full Contract Set

A chain using this contracts release must be using the following contracts at the specified semvers.

The new contracts:

  • FaultDisputeGame: 1.2.0
  • PermissionedDisputeGame: 1.2.0
  • DisputeGameFactory: 1.0.0
  • AnchorStateRegistry: 1.0.0
  • DelayedWETH: 1.0.0
  • MIPS: 1.0.1
  • PreimageOracle: 1.0.0

The updated contracts:

  • OptimismPortal: 3.10.0
  • SystemConfig: 2.2.0

And contracts unchanged from the prior op-contracts/v1.3.0 release:

  • AddressManager: Latest (This has no version)
  • L1CrossDomainMessenger: 2.3.0
  • L1ERC721Bridge: 2.1.0
  • L1StandardBridge: 2.1.0
  • OptimismMintableERC20Factory: 1.9.0
  • SuperchainConfig: 1.1.0
  • ProtocolVersions: 1.0.0

Note that the L2OutputOracle has been removed, and is no longer used for chains running this version of the contracts.

Full Changelog

The full contracts diff between this release and the prior release can be found at the link below. Note that, because this is a monorepo, this will likely include many unrelated changes and will be a noisy diff.


Release op-contracts v1.4.0-rc.2 - Fault Proofs V1

03 May 17:21
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This release candidate enables fault proofs in the withdrawal path of the bridge on L1. It also modifies the SystemConfig to remove the legacy L2OutputOracle contract in favor of the DisputeGameFactory.

Specification here.

The full set of L1 contracts included in this release is:

  • AddressManager: Latest (this has no version) (No change from prior version)
  • AnchorStateRegistry: 1.0.0 (New Contract)
  • DelayedWETH: 1.0.0 (New Contract)
  • DisputeGameFactory: 1.0.0 (New Contract)
  • L1CrossDomainMessenger: 2.3.0 (No change from prior version)
  • L1ERC721Bridge: 2.1.0 (No change from prior version)
  • L1StandardBridge: 2.1.0 (No change from prior version)
  • OptimismMintableERC20Factory: 1.9.0 (No change from prior version)
  • OptimismPortal: 3.8.0 (Modified from prior version, with breaking changes)
  • SystemConfig: 2.0.0 (Modified from prior version, with breaking changes)
  • SuperchainConfig: 1.1.0 (No change from prior version)
  • ProtocolVersions: 1.0.0 (No change from prior version)

The L2OutputOracle is no longer used for chains running this version of the L1 contracts.

Contracts Changed

  1. L2OutputOracle
    • The L2OutputOracle has been removed from the deployed protocol.
  2. OptimismPortal
    • The OptimismPortal has been modified to allow users to prove their withdrawals against outputs that were proposed as dispute games, created via a trusted DisputeGameFactory contract. spec.
  3. SystemConfig
    • The SystemConfig has been changed to remove the L2_OUTPUT_ORACLE storage slot as well as the getter for the contract. To replace it, a new getter for the DisputeGameFactory proxy has been added.

New Contracts

  1. DisputeGameFactory
    • The DisputeGameFactory is the new inbox for L2 output proposals on L1, creating dispute games.
    • Output proposals are now permissionless by default.
    • Challenging output proposals is now permissionless by default.
  2. FaultDisputeGame
    • The FaultDisputeGame facilitates trustless disputes over L2 output roots proposed on L1. spec.
  3. PermissionedDisputeGame
    • A child of the FaultDisputeGame contract, that permissions proposing and challenging. Deployed as a safety mechanism to temporarily restore liveness in the event of the FaultDisputeGame's failure.
  4. MIPS
    • The MIPS VM is a minimal kernel emulating the MIPS32 ISA with a subset of available Linux syscalls. This contract allows for executing single steps of a fault proof program at the base case of disputes in the FaultDisputeGame. spec.
  5. PreimageOracle
    • The PreimageOracle contract is responsible for serving verified data to the program running on top of the MIPS VM during single-step execution. When data enters the PreimageOracle, it is verified to be correctly formatted and honest. spec.
  6. AnchorStateRegistry
    • The AnchorStateRegistry contract is responsible for tracking the latest finalized root claims from various dispute game types.
  7. DelayedWETH
    • DelayedWETH is an extension of WETH9 that delays unwrapping operations. Bonds that are placed in dispute games are held within this contract, and the owner may intervene in withdrawals to redistribute funds to submitters in case of dispute game resolution failure.

Full Changelog


op-node v1.7.5

02 May 18:22
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⚠️ This is a recommended maintenance release of op-node. It fixes an ssz unmarshaling implementation in the p2p req-resp protocol (#10362).

Partial changelog (op-node)

New Contributors (all monorepo)

Full Changelog (all monorepo): v1.7.4...op-node/v1.7.5

🚢 Docker image:

op-stack v1.7.4

26 Apr 18:09
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⚠️ Strongly recommended maintenance release

🐞 op-node blob reorg bug fix (#10210)

If an L1 block got reorg'd out during blob retrieval, an op-node might get stuck in a loop retrieving a blob that will never exist, requiring a restart. This got fixed by internally signaling the right error types, forcing a derivation pipeline reset in such cases.

✨ op-batcher & op-proposer node sync start (#10116 #10193 #10262 #10273)

op-batcher and op-proposer can now wait for the sequencer to sync to the current L1 head before starting their work.
This fixes an issue where a restart of op-batcher/proposer and op-node at the same time might cause to resend duplicate batches from the last finalized L2 block, because a freshly restarted op-node resyncs from the finalized head, potentially signaling a too early safe head in its sync status.

🏳️ This feature is off by default, so we recommend testing it by using the new batcher and proposer flag --wait-node-sync (or its corresponding env vars).

Enabling this will cause op-batcher and op-proposer to wait for the sequencer's verifier confirmation depth for typically 4 L1 blocks, or ~1 min, at startup.

🏳️ To speed up this process in case that no recent batcher transaction have happened, there's another optional new batcher flag --check-recent-txs-depth that lets the batcher check for recent batcher transactions to determine a potentially earlier sync target. This feature is off by default (0) and should be set to the sequencer's verifier confirmation depth to get enabled.

Partial changelog


op-batcher & op-proposer

New Contributors (all monorepo)

Full Changelog: v1.7.3...v1.7.4

🚢 Docker Images:


23 Apr 14:39
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This contracts release adds an optional DA Challenge contract for use with OP Plasma. If usePlasma is set to true in the deploy config, then the OP Plasma feature will be enabled.

The challenge DA contract is used to ensure that data posted as part of OP Plasma is made available. There are four deploy config parameters that must be set when using this feature: daChallengeWindow, daResolveWindow, daBondSize, daResolverRefundPercentage

Release op-node, op-batcher, op-proposer v1.7.3

11 Apr 23:35
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⬆️ This is a recommended release for Optimism Mainnet, particularly for op-batcher operators.

This release contains general fixes & improvements to op-node, op-batcher, & op-proposer. This also update the monorepo op-geth dependency to

The most important change to be aware of is that the op-batcher is now significantly more performant in handling span batches that contain a large number of L2 blocks.

Partial Changelog

Full Changelog: v1.7.2...v1.7.3

🚢 Docker Images:

op-node, op-batcher, op-proposer v1.7.2 - Batcher Improvements

22 Mar 19:01
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⬆️ This is a strongly recommended release of op-batcher for all chain operators.

op-batcher changes

Multi-blob support in op-batcher

See release notes for v1.7.2-rc.3 for details on how to configure a multi-blob batcher.

Improved channel duration tracking

The batcher now tracks channel durations relative to the last L1 origin in a previous channel. The last channel's L1 origin is restored at startup and during reorgs.

This ensures that the desired channel duration survives restarts of the batcher, which is particularly important for low-throughput chains that use channel durations of a few hours.

There's a known quirk in the new tracking design, which leads to a slightly lower effective channel duration (~1min lower), related to how a channel timeout is determined relative to the current L1 head, not current channel's newest L1 origin. This will be improved in a future release.

Breaking compressor configuration change

The channel and compressor configuration got simplified by removal of the target-frame-size flag. The only configuration parameters left to configure the channel size are

  • max-l1-tx-size - default of 120k for calldata; for blobs this is overwritten to the max blob size
  • taget-num-frames - default of 1 for calldata; for multi-blob txs, set this to the desired amount of blobs per blob-tx (e.g. 6)
    The default compressor is the shadow compressor, which is recommended in production.

Overflow frames bug fix

The batcher now correctly estimates a channel's output size, fixing a rarely but regularly occurring bug that produced overflow frames, leading for example to a 7th blob that was sent in a second batcher transaction.

op-node changes

  • Improved peering behavior
  • Per-chain hardfork activation times via superchain-registry

Partial Changelog

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.7.2

🚢 Docker Images