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Releases: foss42/apidash

API Dash v0.3.0

29 Nov 12:07
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Our biggest release of API Dash ⚡️ is now available 🚀 with lots of amazing new features.

Key highlights of this release are:
🗂️ Support for collections and folders to easily organize APIs.
🖥 Well tested code generators for cURL, HAR, Python (requests, http.client), JavaScript (axios, fetch), node.js (axios, fetch) & Kotlin (okhttp3).
{..} Interactive JSON Response viewer with a Find Box to easily explore the results.
🔤 Auto-suggestions for the most popularly used headers.
🔵 Tab indicators for Request URL Parameters, Headers and Body tabs to quickly identify if they are populated.
🧑‍🎨 Updated UI & Settings.
📄 Support for PDF response.
🎵 Support for Audio (wav , mp3) response.
🏃‍♂️ Support for APNG response.
↗️ Export collections & folders into a HAR file that can be version controlled & can be directly imported in other API Clients. You can also export your entire data via Settings.
❓ Updated Help & Support page.

Check out the CHANGELOG for image preview of all the above highlighted features.

A big thank you to these wonderful developers for their contributions in this release: @aqsasayyed, @mmjsmohit, @Dushant-Bansal, @Mixel2004, @morpheus-30, @madhupashish & @DenserMeerkat.

All binaries for Windows, MacOS and Linux are provided below👇
We would definitely love to hear your feedback 🙏
Do support this project by giving it a star ⭐️ and sharing it with your friends 🤗

Installation instructions are available here.

API Dash v0.2.0

04 May 20:33
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A new release (v0.2.0) of API Dash ⚡️ is now available 🚀

Key highlights of this release are:

  1. 🖥 Linux builds (.rpm , .deb) of API Dash for Intel 64-bit (x64/x86_64/amd64) and ARM 64-bit (arm64/aarch64) CPUs. (Resolves #1)
  2. 🥳 A brand new sleek UI with Settings.
  3. 🌙 Full Dark mode support. (Resolves #3)
  4. 🪪 Requests can now be easily renamed. Just double-click on the request card and enter the name. (Resolves #2)
  5. 😆🙌🙂👍 Emoji support across the app. You can now easily send text content with emojis and preview any API response containing emojis.
  6. ⬇️ You can now save response body of any mimetype (image, text, etc.) directly in the Downloads folder by clicking on the Download button.
  7. 🖼 Window size and position is persisted and the configuration is restored on app start.
  8. 💬 Notification on save, download and any other user action (UX improvement #9).

Check out the README or CHANGELOG for video preview of all the above highlighted features.

All binaries for Windows, MacOS and Linux are provided below👇
We would definitely love to hear your feedback 🙏
Do support this project by giving it a star ⭐️ and sharing it with your friends 🤗

Installation instructions are available here.

API Dash v0.1.0

27 Mar 14:10
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Introducing API Dash, a beautiful open-source cross-platform API Client built using Flutter which can help you easily create & customize your API requests, visually inspect responses and generate Dart code on the go.

This release includes the following features:

1. Create & Customize API Requests

Using API Dash, you can draft API requests via an easy to use GUI which allows you to:

  • Create different types of HTTP requests (GET, HEAD, POST, PATCH, PUT and DELETE)
  • Easily manipulate and play around with request inputs like headers, query parameters and body.

Feature Preview 👇


2. Visually inspect API Responses

Using API Dash, you can:

  • Inspect the API Response (HTTP status code, error message, headers, body, time taken)
  • View formatted code previews for responses of various content types like JSON, XML, YAML, HTML, SQL, etc.
  • For APIs which return results as images, API Dash helps you save a lot of time by directly previewing these results and supports a wide variety of image file formats such as jpeg, png, gif, etc.

Feature Preview 👇


3. Generate Dart Code Automatically

API Dash is the only open source API client that supports advanced Dart code generation so that you can easily integrate APIs in your Dart/Flutter project.
For each request, you can click on View Code to directly view the corresponding Dart code which you can then Copy and directly run it on DartPad.

Feature Preview 👇



API Dash binaries for this release are available for Mac and Windows, and can be downloaded from the release files below: