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async-object let you write classes with async def __init__


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async-object let you write classes with async def __init__


From PyPI repository

pip install --user async-object

From source

git clone
cd async-object
pip install --user .


It is simple, with async-object you can do this:

from async_object import AsyncObject

class MyObject(AsyncObject):
    async def __init__(self) -> None:
        await super().__init__()

        # Do some async stuff

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import asyncio

    async def main() -> None:
        instance = await MyObject()
        assert isinstance(instance, MyObject)

This example uses asyncio, but it is compatible with all runner libraries, since this package only uses the language syntax.


async-object provides a base class AsyncObject using AsyncObjectMeta metaclass.

AsyncObjectMeta overrides the default type constructor in order to return a coroutine, which must be await-ed to get the instance.

async def main() -> None:
    coroutine = MyObject()
    instance = await coroutine

Replace the main in the Usage example by this one and run it. You should see something like this in your console:

<coroutine object AsyncObjectMeta.__call__ at 0x7ff1f28eb300>
<__main__.MyObject object at 0x7ff1f21a4fd0>


Obviously, arguments can be given to __init__ and __new__. The inheritance logic with "normal" constructors is the same here:

from typing_extensions import Self

class MyObjectOnlyNew(AsyncObject):
    def __new__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Self:
        self = super().__new__(cls)


        return self

class MyObjectOnlyInit(AsyncObject):
    async def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        # await super().__init__()  # Optional if the base class is only AsyncObject (but useful in multiple inheritance context)


class MyObjectBothNewAndInit(AsyncObject):
    def __new__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Self:
        self = super().__new__(cls)


        return self

    async def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        # await super().__init__()



Talking about inheritance, there are a few rules to follow:

  • AsyncObject or a subclass must appear at least once in the base classes declaration.
  • Non-AsyncObject classes can be used as base classes if they do not override __init__ (in order not to break the MRO).
  • To avoid confusion with awaitable objects, overriding __await__ is forbidden.

Abstract base classes

There is a metaclass AsyncABCMeta deriving from AsyncObjectMeta and abc.ABCMeta which allows you to declare abstract base classes

import abc

from async_object import AsyncObject, AsyncABCMeta

class MyAbstractObject(AsyncObject, metaclass=AsyncABCMeta):
    def method(self) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError

    async def async_method(self) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError

class MyObject(MyAbstractObject):
    async def __init__(self) -> None:

    def method(self) -> None:

    async def async_method(self) -> None:

N.B.: There is a shorthand AsyncABC like abc.ABC.

import abc

from async_object import AsyncABC

class MyAbstractObject(AsyncABC):
    def method(self) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError

    async def async_method(self) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError

Static type checking: mypy integration

mypy does not like having async def for __init__, and will not understand await AsyncObject().

async-object embeds a plugin which helps mypy to understand asynchronous constructors.


Firstly, install the needed dependencies:

pip install async-object[mypy]

To register this plugin in your mypy.ini, pyproject.toml, or whatever, you must add async_object.contrib.mypy.plugin to the plugins list.

In mypy.ini:

plugins = async_object.contrib.mypy.plugin

In pyproject.toml:

plugins = ["async_object.contrib.mypy.plugin"]

For more information, see the mypy documentation.

What is permitted then ?

__init__ method returning a coroutine is accepted

The error The return type of "__init__" must be None is discarded.

class MyObject(AsyncObject):
    async def __init__(self, param: int) -> None:
        await super().__init__()

The class instanciation introspection is fixed

async def main() -> None:
    coroutine = MyObject()
    reveal_type(coroutine)  # Revealed type is "typing.Coroutine[Any, Any, __main__.MyObject]"
    instance = await coroutine
    reveal_type(instance)  # Revealed type is "__main__.MyObject"