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Text to Image Conversion


This is a very simple application that uses AI to convert the prompts entered by the user into images. This will be the next feature of the Editia Project.


  • HTML
  • Tailwind CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React (Vite JS)
  • Hugging Face
  • Stable Diffusion
  • Vercel


First of all you must clone the repository:

git clone
cd text-2-img-vitejs

Then install the dependencies:

npm install

Environment Variables

In order for the program to work correctly, it is necessary to configure the following environment variables in an .env file at the root of the project:


The VITE_HF_TOKEN is provided by the Hugging Face service, and the VITE_TXT_TO_IMG_MODEL is the name of the selected model. You can freely experiment with many to evaluate the results.

Additional settings

Image Adjustment

You can improve the quality of the images by editing the negative_prompt of the App.jsx file as desired.

Once everything is ready:

npm run dev


Simply enter some text in the form field and press the "Generate" button. Wait a few seconds and your image will be ready.

You can test a deployed version at the following link: