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Vue.js Commerce.js plugin and wrapper <chec-payment-form> component for checkout flow


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Vue.js installer plugin for Commerce.js with a global <chec-payment-form>, an enhanced Commerce.js aware <form> Vue component to facilitate rapid checkout development. (beta)

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Facililates creating a checkout payment form in a headless integration.

Play with a demo on codesandbox:

Installing package

You can use either yarn or npm to install the commerce-components package and it's dependencies from npm.

with yarn

yarn add commerce-components

with npm

npm install commerce-components

Easily build a checkout form

Before getting started create a free Chec merchant account on then within your Chec dashboard create at least one product and retrieve your public API key.

  1. Import then install VueCommercejs using Vue.use() passing your public Chec API key.

    This will

    • globally register the <chec-payment-form> component.
    • instantiate a Commerce.js client assigning it as a global variable this.$commerce. (e.g. this.$commerce.cart.retrieve().then(cart => console.log(cart)); from anywhere)
    import VueCommercejs from 'commerce-components';
    Vue.use(VueCommercejs, { 
      commercejsPublicKey: process.env.VUE_APP_COMMERCEJS_PUBLIC_KEY 
    new Vue({
        render: h => h(App),
  2. Implement the <chec-payment-form> component synchronizing the <App>'s checkout & formData state

        <!-- ex: App.vue templae -->
                useTestGateway // forces use of test_gatway when slotProp.captureOrder is called
                :identifierId="cartId" // also supports a permalink or id—if the prop identifierType is set to 'product_id'
                identifierType="cart" // cart by default, also supports permalink and product_id 
                // handles sync. checkout object, and expects checkout value to empty object {}, 
                // it will populate it automatically on mount
                // handles populating formData object with properties (customer, card, shipping) for form input(s) to bind to with v-model
                // and resets values like formData.selectedShippingMethod on checkout token object change
                v-slot="{ captureOrder, countries, subregions, shippingOptions, shippingOptionsById }"
                <!-- ^^ the slot props are important for powering dynamic parts of the form, it provides the countries, subregions, and shippingOptions list,
                a computed shippingOptionsById object, 
                and a captureOrder callback method to invoke on submit-->
                <input type="text" v-model="formData.customer.firstName" />
                <input type="number" v-model="formData.card.number" />
                <!-- invoke captureOrder slot-prop callback within method to handle promise, resolving with response from capture-order request -->
                <button @click="() => handleCallCaptureOrderCallBack(captureOrder)">
    // in App.vue (example)
    // in this example, in the created() hook we're retrieving a cart, setting the in the state, and adding a product to the cart
    export default {
    name: 'app',
    created() {
        // retrieve the cart, and then add a product to the cart
        this.$commerce.cart.retrieve().then(cart => {
            this.cartId =;
            this.$commerce.products.list().then(({ data }) => {
    data: () => ({
        // when <chec-payment-form> is mounted and created this formData will be transformed into the proper formData schema with properties 
        customer: {
            firstName: '',
            lastName: '',
            email: '',
        shipping: {
            name: '',
            street: '',
            street2: '',
            townCity: '',
            countyState: '',
            country: 'US',
            postalZipCode: '',
        billing: {
            name: '',
            street: '',
            street2: '',
            townCity: '',
            countyState: '',
            country: 'US',
            postalZipCode: '',
        selectedShippingMethod: '',
        selectedGateway: ''
        card: {
            number: '', // if dev. mode, set dev friendly defaults
            expMonth: '',
            expYear: '',
            cvc: '',
            billingPostalZipcode: '',
        // (Note, must be passed to form as <chec-payment-form :context.sync="formData"/>)
        formData: {}, // 'formData' is an arbitrary property name, it can be any name so long it gets passed as the context.sync prop to <chec-payment-form> for it to be set-up if using slot.captureOrder
        // checkout token object, populated when <chec-payment-form> mounts and generates token, will be updated, and continuesly sync. with chec-payment-form (Note, must be passed to form as <chec-payment-form :checkout.sync="checkoutTokenObject"/>)
        checkout: {},
        cartId: '',
    methods: {
        * custom captureOrder method
        handleCallCaptureOrderCallBack(captureOrderCallBack) {
                .then(resp => {
                    // can also handle successful resp by listening to, order:success, event on <chec-payment-form>
                    console.log('💸💸 YAY ORDER SUCCESSFUL!', resp);
                .catch((error => {
                    // handle error from #capture-order request
                    // can also handle error by listening to, order:error, event on <chec-payment-form>

Spin up the demo

Git clone this repo then cd into the directory

cd commerce-components

Install all the dependencies

yarn install

Compile and minify a build of the package, serving the demo on localhost:7777

yarn build-lib && yarn demo:serve

Play with the demo on http://localhost:7777/,

besure to create an .env file with your Chec public API key for the demo app to fully work.



Vue.js Commerce.js plugin and wrapper <chec-payment-form> component for checkout flow








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