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The Spring Dynamic R2DBC will make it easy to implement dynamic queries with R2DBC.


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Spring Dynamic R2DBC

The Spring Dynamic R2DBC will make it easy to implement dynamic queries with R2DBC.

How to use?

Install dependency

  • Add dependency
implementation 'com.github.joutvhu:spring-dynamic-r2dbc:3.0.2'
  • Please choose the Spring Dynamic R2DBC version appropriate with your spring version.

    Spring Boot version Spring Dynamic R2DBC version
    2.6.x 1.4.2
    2.7.x 1.5.2
    3.0.x 3.0.2

Also, you have to choose a Dynamic Query Template Provider to use, the Dynamic Query Template Provider will decide the style you write dynamic query template.

In this document, I will use Spring Dynamic Freemarker. If you migrated from a lower version, you should use it.

implementation 'com.github.joutvhu:spring-dynamic-freemarker:1.0.0'


  • First you need to create a bean of DynamicQueryTemplateProvider, that depending on which the Dynamic Query Template Provider you are using.
public DynamicQueryTemplateProvider dynamicQueryTemplateProvider() {
    FreemarkerQueryTemplateProvider provider = new FreemarkerQueryTemplateProvider();
    return provider;
  • Next, you need to set the r2dbc repository's repositoryFactoryBeanClass property to DynamicR2dbcRepositoryFactoryBean.class.
@EnableR2dbcRepositories(repositoryFactoryBeanClass = DynamicR2dbcRepositoryFactoryBean.class)

Dynamic query

  • Use annotation @DynamicQuery to define dynamic queries.
public interface UserRepository extends R2dbcRepository<User, Long> {
        value = "select * from USER where FIRST_NAME = :firstName\n" +
            "<#if lastName?has_content>\n" +
            "  and LAST_NAME = :lastName\n" +
    Flux<User> findUserByNames(Long firstName, String lastName);

    @Query(value = "select * from USER where FIRST_NAME = :firstName")
    Flux<User> findByFirstName(String firstName);

        value = "select USER_ID from USER\n" +
            "<#if name??>\n" +
            "  where concat(FIRST_NAME, ' ', LAST_NAME) like %:name%\n" +
    Flux<Long> searchIdsByName(String name);

        value = "select * from USER\n" +
            "<#if role??>\n" +
            "  where ROLE = :role\n" +
    Flux<User> findByRole(String role);

Load query template files

  • If you do not specify the query template on the @DynamicQuery annotation. The DynamicQueryTemplateProvider will find them from external template files based on the TemplateLocation and Suffix that you specify in the provider.

  • If you don't want to load the template from external template files you can use the following code provider.setSuffix(null);.

  • Each template will start with a template name definition line. The template name definition line must be start with two dash characters (--). The template name will have the following syntax.

    • queryMethodName can be provided through field If is not provided, queryMethodName will be entityName:methodName where entityName is entity class name, methodName is query method name
  • Query templates (Ex: resoucers/query/user-query.dsql)

select * from USER where FIRST_NAME = :firstName
<#if lastName?has_content>
  and LAST_NAME = :lastName

-- User:searchIdsByName
select USER_ID from USER
<#if name??>
  where concat(FIRST_NAME, ' ', LAST_NAME) like %:name%

-- get_user_by_username_and_email
select * from USER
  <#if username??>
    and USERNAME = :username
  <#if email??>
    and EMAIL = :email
  • Now you don't need to specify the query template on @DynamicQuery annotation.
public interface UserRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<User, Long> {
    Flux<User> findUserByNames(Long firstName, String lastName);

    @Query(value = "select * from USER where FIRST_NAME = :firstName")
    Flux<User> findByFirstName(String firstName);

    Flux<Long> searchIdsByName(String name);

    @DynamicQuery(name = "get_user_by_username_and_email")
    Flux<User> getUserWithUsernameAndEmail(String username, String email);