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Releases: langroid/langroid


28 May 14:31
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Minor: validate format; friendlier task infinite loop warning (points out where to configure it)


28 May 01:19
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  • (Exact) Infinite-loop detection, see Task._maybe_infinite_loop;
    Throw InfiniteLoopException when a possible infinite loop is detected.
    By default, loops of up to 10 messages are detected (configurable). Note that "Exact" loop detection means this only detects exactly-repeating cycles of k messages (k <= 10), e.g. a n i m a l m a l m a l m a l...
    In other words we don't detect cases where the LLM (or other entity) is generating "essentially the same, but slightly different message" repeatedly.

    Configs for Infinite loop detection are in TaskConfig in

  • Global settings.max_turns (default -1, meaning not used) can additionally be used to guard against infinite loops. In pytest it is set to 100, so any task will run at most 100 turns.

  • Tolerant tool detection when request field is inside properties field

  • "@" message addressing: any entity can address any other entity of the agent ("llm", "user", "agent"), or any other sub-task by name. This is an alternative to using "SEND_TO:<entity_name>", or using the RecipientTool to address messages to a specific recipient. The advantage of using RecipientTool is that since it is a tool, the tool handler fallback method can detect that the tool is not being used, and send a reminder to the LLM to clarify who it is addressing the message to.

  • In non-interactive mode, wait for user input if "user" is explicitly addressed

  • Misc improvements:

    • ToolMessage instructions reminding LLM to use request field (gpt-4o often forgets).
    • RecipientTool: allow default recipient
    • Bug fix: chainlit examples that had modifiable LLM settings were not using the changed LLM, but now do


24 May 20:34
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Added RetrievalTool: to be used by DocChatAgent (or subclasses) to simply get relevant passages,
and skip the final LLM answer-generation.
This enables designing Agents that are instructed to take other actions based on these passages, besides generating an answer summary.


24 May 11:04
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  • Improves RAG (DocChatAgent) citations. See here: #477
  • Update chainlit config.toml to show file-upload button in chats (their API for this changed, yet again)
  • Fix edge-cases involving rendering LLM output in non-streaming mode, and using rich spinner


20 May 14:11
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Set defalt tokenizer in case tiktoken.encoding_for_model() fails


19 May 21:58
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Agent: during init, set config.parsing.token_encoding_model to the LLM,
so we use the tokenizer specific to the LLM, which helps with accurate token-cost computation.
(only affects OpenAI LLMs currently).


16 May 13:19
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  • Fix ChainlitTaskCallbacks - use classmethod not staticmethod, so any derived versions propagate to subtasks
  • Handle deviant OpenAI LLM function-call generation (esp w gpt-4o), e.g. functions with name "functions", or "functions xyz"


15 May 22:47
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  • Improve LanceDocChatAgent and Query Planner to handle deviations.
  • Handle function-call odditities in OpenAI LLM -- they can generate an unnecessary "name" field, which we override with the "request" field from the arguments.


15 May 17:40
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  • Tweaks to LanceDocChatAgent and related Agents (QueryPlanner, Critic, etc) to accomodate deviations
  • In multi-agent chats, so total cost across all agents, in addition to cumul cost of current agent


14 May 19:55
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Update toml to latest DuckDuckGo (6.0.0) so we no longer get the rate limit error