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GitHub Action


v0.4.2 Latest version




Make a new git tag name based on git history. This action strictly follows Conventional-Commits / SemVer specifications.


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: git-next-tag

uses: ldelarue/git-next-tag@v0.4.2

Learn more about this action in ldelarue/git-next-tag

Choose a version



This tool generates a new git tag from those already in your project git history.

Tag calculation is based on conventional commit and semantic versioning.


I wanted a simple tool with very little configuration that would guarantee the consistency of the versions included the git tags of my projects.

I had not found a tool that do the followings tasks combined in an elegant way:

  • Follows conventional commit specifications with the greatest assiduity.
  • Uses semantic versioning for non-JavaScript based projects.
  • Manage project versioning and release cycle using Git as source of truth.
  • Implements a CI without a config file, only via GitHub Actions and Git configuration.
  • Can handle ZeroVer and SemVer with a minimum of automation.
  • Manages an opinionated logic on SemVer prerelease increments.

Maybe it does exist. If in doubt, give this project a try. 😉


  • The current branch using the Action MUST have a linear git history.
  • Before the first start, it is necessary to add a version tag in the git-history consistent with the action configuration.

Example of command to create a git tag on the first commit of a project:

git switch main
git tag v0.0.0 $(git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD)
git push origin v0.0.0


  • This action needs to retrieve the entire git history of the project using to actions/checkout.
  • contents: read permission is required to access the repository content in order to retrieve git-related information (commits, tags, etc).

Here's an example configuration:

    runs-on: ['ubuntu-latest']
    timeout-minutes: 5

      contents: read

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0

      - id: calculate_next_version
        uses: ldelarue/git-next-tag@v0
          tag-prefix: v

      - shell: bash
        run: |
          echo "::notice::Generated tag is '${{ steps.calculate_next_version.outputs.tag }}'"


Please read action.yml for more details on parameters and output values.

In this example:

  • My only tag in my git history is v0.0.0.
  • I pushed a commit named feat: this is an example that triggered this job.

So the resulted tag is v0.1.0.

Give it a try! And see what your Action prints in its logs! 🚀

More examples and tutorials


Please read the dedicated file for setup and project management.

Thanks for your interest! 👍