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Quantum blox - modular UI boilerplate in react

Build Status bitHound Overall Score bitHound Dependencies bitHound Dev Dependencies

What is it

This is boilerplate for fully modular web UIs based on ReactJS and Redux + PostCSS with CSS Modules.

Builds are done by Webpack, which is connecting everything together, giving the technology that allows us to achieve full modularity and separation without any overhead.

Getting started with development

To start, clone the repo and

npm i
npm start

Your app will be available on http://localhost:3000 in Hot Module Replacement mode.


Additional tools

Dev build, watch and serve

To build dev code (unminified + sourcemaps)

npm run build: dev

To watch for changes and rebuild

npm run build:watch

Hot module replacement

To start server in HMR mode, making it available at http://localhost:3000

npm start

Production build

npm run build:Production

Running tests

Single run

npm test


Watch for changes and reload tests (provides Jest-cli commands)

npm test:watch

Test + generate coverage report

Test code, genenerate html and JSON coverage and also output it in terminal

npm test:coverage

#Build size analysis Guves you html page with zoomable tree view of how your depencencies influence your build size dependencies.

npm run build:analyze

Serving built data

To serve your App in web server mode making it available at http://localhost:3000

npm run serve-static

GH pages deployment

Work in progress

Check for updates

Provides you with a list of updates so you can choose if you want ot keep some of your dependencies up to date.

npm run check-updates

Modularity and separation

Real readme + demo and other goodies are coming up