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This project is an Android application developed for an interview task. It fetches media coverages from a remote service and displays them in a paginated list. The app utilizes modern Android development practices and libraries such as Retrofit for network operations, Dagger Hilt for dependency injection, and Paging 3 for pagination.-By NimeshPatel

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This project is an Android application developed for an interview task. It fetches media coverages from a remote service and displays them in a paginated list. The app utilizes modern Android development practices and libraries such as Retrofit for network operations, Dagger Hilt for dependency injection, and Paging 3 for pagination.

Development Environment

  • IDE: Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Patch 2
  • Gradle Version: 8.4
  • Android Gradle Plugin Version: 8.3.2
  • Compile SDK: 34
  • Min SDK: 24
  • Target SDK: 34


To build and run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the project in Android Studio.
  3. Build the project using the provided Gradle configuration.


The project uses several third-party libraries for various functionalities. Here are the main dependencies:

  • Retrofit: For making network requests.
  • Dagger Hilt: For dependency injection.
  • Paging 3: For pagination of media coverages.
  • Coroutines: For asynchronous programming.
  • AndroidX Libraries: Including LiveData, ViewModel, RecyclerView, etc.
  • Other: sdp & ssp Libraries used for maintaining resolution across different screen sizes.

For a detailed list of dependencies and versions, refer to the build.gradle file in the project.


  • Media Coverage Display: Fetches media coverages from a remote service and displays them in a paginated list.
  • Image Loading and Caching: Implements image loading and caching mechanism using a combination of LruCache and memory cache. It provides informative error messages or placeholders for failed image loads.
  • Error Handling: Provides error handling for failed image loads, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • Dependency Injection: Utilizes Dagger Hilt for dependency injection to manage dependencies efficiently.
  • No Third-Party Libraries: Implements image loading and caching mechanism without relying on any third-party libraries.

Image Loading and Caching

The application follows the following approach for image loading and caching:

  1. Check Cache Memory: It first checks if the image is available in the cache memory. If found, it directly loads the image from the cache.
  2. Local Path: If the image is not available in the cache memory, it checks if a local path for the image is available. If found, it loads the image from the local path.
  3. URL: If the image is not available in the cache memory or through a local path, it fetches the image from the provided URL.


The app primarily consists of the following components:

  • MediaCoverageRepository: Responsible for fetching media coverages from the remote service.
  • MediaCoverageViewModel: Manages the UI-related data and interactions, including permission status and media coverages data.
  • MediaCoverageAdapter: Adapts the media coverages data for display in a RecyclerView.
  • SquareGridRecyclerView: A custom RecyclerView implementation for displaying items in a grid layout with square aspect ratio.


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This project is an Android application developed for an interview task. It fetches media coverages from a remote service and displays them in a paginated list. The app utilizes modern Android development practices and libraries such as Retrofit for network operations, Dagger Hilt for dependency injection, and Paging 3 for pagination.-By NimeshPatel







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