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HungryProton edited this page Aug 6, 2020 · 8 revisions

This wiki is still under construction


ConceptGraph is a node-based tool for content creation and procedural generation.
You connect small individual nodes to create a complex graph that dictates the generation rules and create a complex result.


Current status

This software is still *in alpha and is not considered production ready. However, if you want to play around with it, I'd love to hear your feedback on the UI, general usability, features or anything else. If you want to contribute to the code, head over to the Advanced topics section to get familiar with the code-base architecture.


  • Make a proof of concept - Done
  • Turn the Godot add-on in a standalone software - Done
  • Write the documentation - In progress
    • Even though a lot of things may change, the overall structure should remain the same.
  • Improve the experience
    • This mean making the tool more user friendly and improving the user interface.
    • Feedback from the community is needed to know where to focus the work.
  • Make it fast
    • Right now, the bulk of the application is written in GDScript. Even though it's very easy to maintain, some of the performance critical nodes could benefit from a C++ rewrite.
    • Multithreading is only used to prevent the editor from freezing when the application regenerate the result. Using a thread pool where it's possible would greatly enhance performance.
  • Add more features

The last three items are ongoing goals with no specific order. We're always trying to make this software a better one. Most of the work is driven by community feedback.