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This is a 21 School/Ecole 42 Project. Worked in team with Dredfort

miniRT (Raytracing)

MiniRT is a program that can render 3D scenes using raytracing technique using MiniLibX library. Subject can be found here.

Project goals

  • Get familiar with raytracing
  • Render 3D scenes with geometric objects using linear algebra
  • Work with light, shading and texturing
  • Implement scene navigation, object selection and modification

Camera Rotation

To compile and run

Run the following commands in Terminal:

# to build
> make

# to run
> ./miniRT scenes_checklist/test01-sphere.rt 

The program accepts one .rt file as argument. Scene description files can be found at scenes_checklist/ folder. Scene includes Ambient lightning, Camera, one or more coloured Spot lights, and geometry objects (spheres, planes, cylliners and cones).

To close window press esc.

Scene control

Camera movement

Object modification

Click [left mouse button] to select/deselect object
Use [a] & [d] to move left or right Use [1] & [2] to increase/decrease object radius
Use [q] & [e] to move up and down Use [3] & [4] to increase/decrease object height
Use [w] & [s] to move forwards or backwards Use [+] & [-] to increase/decrease light brightness
Press [↑] rotatate camera upwards Press [T] apply/discard texture
Press [↓] rotatate camera downwards Press [B] apply/discard bump
Press [←] rotatate camera left Press [C] apply/discard checkerboard
Press [→] rotatate camera right

Reneder examples

Spheres scene White scene White scene Complex scene Complex scene Complex scene

Shading render on light movement

Light movement

Useful links