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C# Training

This repository contains code examples and exercises from a comprehensive C# training program. The training covers fundamental concepts and advanced topics to help you strengthen your understanding of C# programming.

Table of Contents

  1. Types and Variables: Explore fundamental data types and variables in C#.
  2. Conditionals: Understand conditional statements for decision-making in code.
  3. Methods: Learn about methods, functions, and their usage in C#.
  4. Arrays: Work with arrays, a fundamental data structure in C#.
  5. Loops: Explore different loop constructs for iterative control flow.
  6. Classes: Understand the concept of classes and object-oriented programming.
  7. Interfaces: Explore interface-based programming and abstraction.
  8. Inheritance: Learn about class inheritance and code reuse in C#.
  9. Abstract: Understand abstract classes and their role in design patterns.
  10. Access Modifiers: Learn about different access levels for class members.
  11. Constructors: Understand the role and usage of constructors in C#.
  12. Reference and Value Types: Distinguish between reference types and value types.
  13. Collections: Work with various collection types such as lists, arrays, and dictionaries.
  14. Exceptions: Handle errors and exceptions in C# programming.
  15. ADO.NET: Introduction to ADO.NET for database access in C#.
  16. Entity Framework: Dive into Entity Framework for efficient database interactions.
  17. Generics: Master the concept of generic types and methods.
  18. Reflection: Explore runtime type introspection using reflection in C#.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the specific topic folder:

    cd 1-TypesAndVariables
  3. Open CSharp.sln Solution to see all project:


    Each folder contains code examples related to the respective topic.


If you find any issues or have improvements to suggest, feel free to open an issue or create a pull request. Contributions are welcome!


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


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