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Documentation for torchpipe

Ensemble Pipeline Serving with Pytorch Frontend

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torchpipe 是 介于底层加速库(如tensorrt,opencv,torchscript)以及 RPC(如thrift, gRPC)之间并与他们严格解耦的多实例流水线并行库;对外提供面向pytorch前端的线程安全函数接口,对内提供面向用户的细粒度后端扩展。

Torchpipe is a multi-instance pipeline parallel library that acts as a bridge between lower-level acceleration libraries (such as TensorRT, OpenCV, TorchScript) and RPC frameworks (like Thrift, gRPC), ensuring a strict decoupling from them. It offers a thread-safe function interface for the PyTorch frontend at a higher level, while empowering users with fine-grained backend extension capabilities at a lower level.


Here is its documentation site.



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