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Trying to get some UIs going.

Connecting gleam + deno + slint.

Seems to be able to open a simple window.


gleam run --target js             # simple cli
gleam run --target js -m window1  # open Slint window with About widget
gleam run --target js -m window2  # open Slint window with Demo button + count

Many questions

  • when using @external(javascript...) does the file pointed to has to have any restrictions?

    can I use a .ts file? does it change anything? is there any problem?

  • how do we deal with the async that the ffi is forcing us into. Following the examples from slint site they use async on the functions and I'm not sure about the implications

  • would be nice to have a way to say that we only target js so we don't have to provide and empty implementation for the functions with a todo.

  • how to export / distribute the bundle to be executed like a normal application by end users?

    for erlang doing the gleam export erlang-shipment kinda works and the other option from the docs using gleescript also works, but I don't see or understand how to do it for the javascript target.

  • I don't think I understand what the typescript_declarations is useful for and if it's needed or not? I think it's for when exporting a lib to be used by another project, but I'm not sure since there are no real examples and I'm not deep into the js/ts/node/deno world to know about these things.