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An alternative to git submodules and monorepos written in Go


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An alternative to git submodules and monorepos written in Go


You have two options to acquire the binary executable for this project:

  • download pre-compiled releases from Github (click here)
  • clone this repository and compile the project locally using go

Once you have the executable binary on your machine, copy or link it to somewhere like /usr/local/bin or add its containing directory to your PATH environment variable.


cd /tmp
tar -xvf multirepo-v3.0.0-darwin-arm64.tar.gz
sudo mv multirepo /usr/local/bin/multirepo

Or compiling locally (depends on go-lang):

git clone
go get
go build
sudo ln -sf multirepo /usr/local/bin/multirepo

Tip: you can also create an alias in your .bashrc or .zshrc file to make it easier to call our executable from your terminal. For example:

echo "alias mr=multirepo" >> ~/.$(lsof -p $$ | cut -d " " -f 1 | tail -n 1)rc
source ~/.$(lsof -p $$ | cut -d " " -f 1 | tail -n 1)rc


Create a repositories.yaml file inside your main repository, and define your git dependencies like this:

    path: /tmp/multirepo/fastapi
    tag: 0.111.0
    path: /tmp/multirepo/pytest
    branch: main
    path: /tmp/multirepo/pydantic
    commit: 7061f36

Sync the config file with your filesystem with the following command:

multirepo sync

This command should output something like this:

3 repositories detected

➜ /tmp/multirepo/fastapi$ git clone
Cloning into '/tmp/multirepo/fastapi'...
➜ /tmp/multirepo/fastapi$ git checkout 0.111.0
Note: switching to '0.111.0'.
HEAD is now at 1c3e6918 📝 Update release notes

➜ /tmp/multirepo/pydantic$ git clone
Cloning into '/tmp/multirepo/pydantic'...
➜ /tmp/multirepo/pydantic$ git checkout 7061f36
Note: switching to '7061f36'.
HEAD is now at 7061f36b fix json schema doc link (#9405)

➜ /tmp/multirepo/pytest$ git clone
Cloning into '/tmp/multirepo/pytest'...
➜ /tmp/multirepo/pytest$ git checkout main
Already on 'main'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

3 repositories detected

fastapi     ✔ 1c3e6918750ccb3f20ea260e9a4238ce2c0e5f63 (tag: 0.111.0) 
pydantic    ✔ 7061f36bc721ef4f173ef8f2e098f25e1eaea705  
pytest      ✔ 93dd34e76d9c687d1c249fe8cf94bdf46813f783 (branch: main) 

You can sync repositories how many times you want:

  • If the repository does not exist, it will be cloned.
  • If the repository is dirty, we'll abort the operation.

You can also optionally specify these flags:

  • --force or -f to discard uncommited changes permanently
  • --recurse or -r to recursively checkout submodules


For your convenience, we run a status command everytime you sync a repositories.yaml file.

But you can also query the status of all git repositories on demand:

multirepo status

This will produce a similar output:

3 repositories detected

fastapi     ✔ 1c3e6918750ccb3f20ea260e9a4238ce2c0e5f63 (tag: 0.111.0) 
pydantic    ✔ 7061f36bc721ef4f173ef8f2e098f25e1eaea705  
pytest      ✔ 93dd34e76d9c687d1c249fe8cf94bdf46813f783 (branch: main) 

If you make changes to the repository:

touch /tmp/multirepo/fastapi/new-file.txt
echo "new content" > /tmp/multirepo/pydantic/
git -C /tmp/multirepo/pytest/ checkout 940b78232e48c34501cfe6e0bfd0ea6d64f4521b

The status output should now reflect those changes:

3 repositories detected

fastapi     ✗ 1c3e6918750ccb3f20ea260e9a4238ce2c0e5f63 (tag: 0.111.0) (uncommitted changes)
pydantic    ✗ 7061f36bc721ef4f173ef8f2e098f25e1eaea705 (uncommitted changes)
pytest      ✗ 940b78232e48c34501cfe6e0bfd0ea6d64f4521b (branch: main ➜ 940b782) 

If you're just on the wrong reference, you can simply run the sync command again. But it might be possible that you'll need to perform additional operations if:

  • you have uncommited changes
    • you need to stash or revert your changes
  • you don't have all the references locally
    • you need to fetch references from remote


Guess what: there's a convenient method to run a command on all of them at once with:

multirepo run --all git stash

This should loop through all the repos, execute the specified command, and print the output:

3 repositories detected

➜ /tmp/multirepo/fastapi$ git stash
No local changes to save

➜ /tmp/multirepo/pydantic$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on (no branch): 7061f36b fix json schema doc link (#9405)

➜ /tmp/multirepo/pytest$ git stash
No local changes to save

After stashing all repositories, and running the sync command again, you might notice that one of our repositories still have uncommited changes, and another one still has a wrong reference:

3 repositories detected

fastapi     ✗ 1c3e6918750ccb3f20ea260e9a4238ce2c0e5f63 (tag: 0.111.0) (uncommitted changes)
pydantic    ✔ 7061f36bc721ef4f173ef8f2e098f25e1eaea705  
pytest      ✗ 940b78232e48c34501cfe6e0bfd0ea6d64f4521b (branch: main ➜ 940b782) 

Let's try to sync the repositories again:

multirepo sync

Let's check the output this time:

fastapi     ✗ 1c3e6918750ccb3f20ea260e9a4238ce2c0e5f63 (tag: 0.111.0) (uncommitted changes)
pydantic    ✔ 7061f36bc721ef4f173ef8f2e098f25e1eaea705  
pytest      ✔ 93dd34e76d9c687d1c249fe8cf94bdf46813f783 (branch: main) 

The wrong branch has been fixed, but we still have an uncommited change being reported. It's also possible to run commands in individual repositories. Let's try to find out what's happening:

multirepo run fastapi git status

Let's check the output:

3 repositories detected

➜ /tmp/multirepo/fastapi$ git status
HEAD detached at 0.111.0
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

Ok, that's an untracked file that we've just added some steps ago. Let's remove it and check the status again:

multirepo run fastapi rm new-file.txt

Now it should be looking good again :)

3 repositories detected

fastapi     ✔ 1c3e6918750ccb3f20ea260e9a4238ce2c0e5f63 (tag: 0.111.0) 
pydantic    ✔ 7061f36bc721ef4f173ef8f2e098f25e1eaea705  
pytest      ✔ 93dd34e76d9c687d1c249fe8cf94bdf46813f783 (branch: main) 

Environment variables

It's possible to use environment variables to define repository paths. For example:

    path: $MY_BASE_DIRECTORY/fastapi
    tag: 0.111.0

If there's a .env file in the same location as the repositories.yaml file, we'll also try to load your environment variables automatically, so you don't need to manually export them.