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Fraud detection data generation with configurable degree distribution& community structure, ready for NebulaGraph.

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How to use the data

First, to bootstrap your Nebula Graph cluster, here, for a single server playground, try with nebula-up.

Then, assuming you have a Nebula Graph cluster running in docker with network namespace: nebula-net, you can use the following command call Nebula Graph Importer to import data into Nebula Graph, with its configuration from nebula_graph_importer.yaml:

# If we are using the sample data:
# cp -r data_sample_numerical_vertex_id data

# only do this for once, remove header line from data/*.csv
sed -i '1d' data/*.csv

docker run --rm -ti \
    --network=nebula-net \
    -v ${PWD}:/root/ \
    -v ${PWD}/data/:/data \
    vesoft/nebula-importer:v3.1.0 \
    --config /root/nebula_graph_importer.yaml

Note, to leverage the data in NebulaGraph Algorithm, it's recommended to configure vertex_id_format as numerical. This is an example to run the Louvain algorithm:

cd ~/.nebula-up/nebula-up/spark

docker exec -it sparkmaster /spark/bin/spark-submit \
    --master "local" --conf spark.rpc.askTimeout=6000s \
    --class com.vesoft.nebula.algorithm.Main \
    --driver-memory 4g /root/download/nebula-algo.jar \
    -p /root/louvain.conf

How to generate data

Install Python3 and Julia first, then install dependencies with:

# python dependencies
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

# julia dependencies, please install julia before running this line
julia install.ji

Configure the config.toml as you wish, where options were documented inline, then just run:


Data will be output under the data folder, the files under data_sample could be used if it fits your needs. The process should looks like:


Graph Model

tags(vertex label)

  • contact
    • properties: name, gender, birthday
  • device
  • loan_applicant
    • properties: address, degree, occupation, salary, is_risky, risk_profile, name, gender, birthday
  • loan_application
    • properties: apply_agent_id, apply_date, application_id, approval_status, application_type, rejection_reason
  • phone_number
    • properties: phone_num
  • corporation
    • properties: name, is_risky, risk_profile

edge types

  • with_phone_num()
  • applied_for_loan(start_time)
  • used_device(start_time)
  • worked_for(start_time)
  • is_related_to(degree)


Data Generation Process

We will be leveraging py-Faker to generate relatively reasonable properties, and ABCDGraphGenerator.jl to generate relationships with defined community structure.

As the relationship should be typed differently, i.e, shared_phone, shared_employer, shared_device, etc, the generation process would be as the following diagram.


The steps are:

  1. Generate contacts(person) as vertices

  2. Generate relationships/edges with configurable factors(degrees, community size, etc.)

  3. Distribute relationships to different patterns:

    shared a phone number, shared an employer, shared a device, with a phone number of one's employer, is a relative of

  4. Generate Loan Applications, thus adding contact(person) a vertex tag of Loan Applicant and an applied_for_loan edge from the given person to the Loan Application.

Data Explanation

See comments inline, i.e., for shared_via_employer_phone_num_relationship.csv, its comment is:


This means one line of records in the CSV file contains three edges and four vertices:

  • :p is a person vertex tag
  • worked_for is a edge type between :p and :corp
  • :corp is a corporation vertex tag
  • with_phone_num is a edge type between corporation and phone_num
  • :phone_num is a phone number vertex tag
  • with_phone_num is a edge type between phone_num and person
  • :p is another person vertex tag
$tree data
├── abcd             # raw data with ABCD Sampler, reference only
│   ├── com.dat      # vertex -> community
│   ├── cs.dat       # community size
│   ├── deg.dat      # vertex degree
│   └── edge.dat     # edges(which construct the community)
├── applicant_application_with_is_related_to.csv
│                    # (loan_applicant:appliant)-[:is_related_to]->(contact:person)# (loan_applicant:appliant)-[:applied_for_loan]->(app:loan_application)
├── applicant_application_with_shared_device.csv
│                    # (loan_applicant_0:appliant)-[:used_dev]->(:dev)<-[:used_dev]-(loan_applicant_1:appliant)# (loan_applicant_0:appliant)-[:applied_for_loan]->(app_0:loan_application)# (loan_applicant_1:appliant)-[:applied_for_loan]->(app_1:loan_application)
├── applicant_application_with_shared_phone_num.csv
│                    # (loan_applicant_0:appliant)-[:with_phone_num]->(:phone_num)<-[:with_phone_num]-(loan_applicant_1:appliant)# (loan_applicant_0:appliant)-[:applied_for_loan]->(app_0:loan_application)# (loan_applicant_1:appliant)-[:applied_for_loan]->(app_1:loan_application)
├── applicant_application_with_shared_employer.csv
│                    # (loan_applicant_0:appliant)-[:worked_for]->(:corp)<-[:worked_for]-(loan_applicant_1:appliant)# (loan_applicant_0:appliant)-[:applied_for_loan]->(app_0:loan_application)# (loan_applicant_1:appliant)-[:applied_for_loan]->(app_1:loan_application)
├── applicant_application_connected_with_employer_and_phone_num.csv
│                    # (loan_applicant_0:appliant)-[:worked_for]->(:corp)-[:with_phone_num]->(:phone_num)<-[:with_phone_num]-(loan_applicant_1:appliant)# (loan_applicant_0:appliant)-[:applied_for_loan]->(app_0:loan_application)# (loan_applicant_1:appliant)-[:applied_for_loan]->(app_1:loan_application)
├── corporation.csv  # corporation vertex
├── device.csv       # device vertex
├── is_relative_relationship.csv
│                    # is_relative (:p)-[:is_related_to]->(:p)
├── person.csv       # contact vertex
├── phone_number.csv # phone number vertex
├── shared_device_relationship.csv
│                    # (:p)-[:used_dev]->(:dev)<-[:used_dev]-(:p)
├── shared_employer_relationship.csv
│                    # (:p)-[:worked_for]->(:corp)<-[:worked_for]-(:p)
├── shared_phone_num_relationship.csv
│                    # (:p)-[:with_phone_num]->(:phone_num)<-[:with_phone_num]-(:p)
└── shared_via_employer_phone_num_relationship.csv
    # (:p)-[:worked_for]->(:corp)-[:with_phone_num]->(:phone_num)<-[:with_phone_num]-(:p)

How to play with the data:


See here: for more!


Fraud detection data generation with configurable degree distribution& community structure, ready for NebulaGraph.







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